6 Signs Your Warehouse Needs Concrete Floor Resurfacing | Kaloutas

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6 Signs Your Warehouse Needs Concrete Floor Resurfacing

Damaged concrete floor in a warehouse 6 Signs Your Warehouse Needs Concrete Floor Resurfacing

Ware­hous­es are high­ly active work­spaces. Work­ers use high-pow­ered, heavy machin­ery to trans­port box­es, pal­lets, and oth­er mate­ri­als to and from shelves, plat­forms, and trucks. All of this move­ment requires a sol­id foun­da­tion, which is why you’ll find con­crete floors in most warehouses.

But even con­crete floors, durable as they may be, will wear down over time. Per­form­ing reg­u­lar main­te­nance and tak­ing pre­ven­ta­tive mea­sures will let you get the most out of your con­crete sur­faces. Even­tu­al­ly, how­ev­er, the time might come to strip away your old floor pro­tec­tion and install some­thing new. How can you tell when it’s time? Here are six signs your ware­house needs con­crete floor resur­fac­ing.

How to Know Your Ware­house Needs Resur­fac­ing

The Sur­face is Delaminating

We’ll get the most obvi­ous sign out of the way first. If the epoxy– or oth­er mate­r­i­al– cov­er­ing your floors is los­ing its adhe­sion (a process known as delam­i­na­tion), your floors require resur­fac­ing. Delam­i­na­tion is usu­al­ly easy to spot, as it looks like a chunk has been removed from the top lay­er of your floor. This process hap­pens for a num­ber of rea­sons, often hav­ing to do with tem­per­a­ture fluc­tu­a­tions, mois­ture intru­sion, and/​or improp­er installation.

Cracks are Rampant

If you start to see cracks in your floors, it may be time to invest in either con­crete floor repair or resur­fac­ing. The best option for your ware­house floor­ing will depend on the num­ber and sever­i­ty of cracks. If the prob­lem is iso­lat­ed, your floors may only need minor repairs and not a full resur­fac­ing job.

There’s Bub­bling, Blis­ter­ing, and/​or Staining

Your con­crete floors should be smooth and even both phys­i­cal­ly and aes­thet­i­cal­ly. When the epoxy (or oth­er type of con­crete coat­ing) begins to blis­ter or change in col­or, you’ve like­ly got excess mois­ture in your floors. If that’s the case, mere resur­fac­ing won’t do the trick. You’ll need to test your mois­ture lev­els, and deter­mine the root cause of the prob­lem. Often­times the issue is vapor ris­ing from the earth and pen­e­trat­ing the sub­floor. If you find ele­vat­ed RH (rel­a­tive humid­i­ty) in the slab and you want to have a coating/​topping installed, mois­ture-mit­i­ga­tion should be installed dur­ing the resur­fac­ing process.

You Notice Mold and Mildew

It’s Get­ting Slippery

Slick floors are haz­ardous in any facil­i­ty, but they’re espe­cial­ly dan­ger­ous in ware­hous­es and oth­er indus­tri­al set­tings with lots of foot traf­fic and mobile heavy machin­ery. To make your space safer, more effi­cient, and com­pli­ant with OSHA reg­u­la­tions, resur­face your con­crete floor with anti-slip coat­ings. This will add some much-need­ed trac­tion to your floors.

Things Seem Off Balance

Ware­house con­crete floors should be lev­el so work­ers and machines can safe­ly get from point A to point B. But floors can begin to sink and/​or curl in cer­tain areas due to shifts in the earth, pres­sure from equip­ment and move­ment, delam­i­na­tion, and more. If this hap­pens to your floors, con­crete resur­fac­ing is essen­tial for keep­ing your ware­house per­son­nel safe and pro­duc­tive and restor­ing bal­ance (quite literally).

Is It Time to Resur­face Your Floors?

If you take excel­lent care of your con­crete floors, resur­fac­ing might not be in order for a long, long time. Some­times, how­ev­er, these mat­ters are out of anyone’s con­trol, and you may need to fix up your floors soon­er than you would have hoped. For­tu­nate­ly, Kaloutas is here to answer your floor­ing ques­tions and resur­face your con­crete when nec­es­sary. To learn more about us and all that we do, con­tact us online or give us a call at 9785321414.

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