How to Fix Cracks and Surface Unevenness on Industrial… | Kaloutas

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How to Fix Cracks and Surface Unevenness on Industrial Floors

Contractor repairing cracks in a polished concrete floor How to Fix Cracks and Surface Unevenness on Industrial Floors

Con­crete floors are com­mon­place in most indus­tri­al facil­i­ties, thanks to their nat­ur­al dura­bil­i­ty. Even the tough­est con­crete floors will feel the sting of time, espe­cial­ly in high-traf­fic indus­tri­al set­tings. No one knows this bet­ter than Kaloutas. Per­form­ing reg­u­lar main­te­nance will help keep your floors steady and secure for longer, but cracks, div­ots, and oth­er issues are bound to appear at some point. When these prob­lems arise, it’s impor­tant to repair them as quick­ly as pos­si­ble since minor frac­tures can grow into major headaches before you know it. Of course, every sce­nario is unique and might require a dif­fer­ent approach depend­ing on var­i­ous fac­tors and your per­son­al pref­er­ences. At Kaloutas, our expe­ri­ence allows us to pro­vide cus­tom floor­ing solu­tions for your facility.

Here are some of the ways we fix cracks and sur­face uneven­ness on your indus­tri­al floor­ing, depend­ing on the situation.

How to Repair Indus­tri­al Floor Cracks

Fill Minor Cracks with Epoxy or Mortar

The small­est cracks in your con­crete floors are usu­al­ly fixed in no time, so long as you have the right equip­ment. Basic con­crete crack repair involves select­ing your prod­uct (usu­al­ly epoxy, polyurea or mor­tar), chas­ing the crack by saw-cut­ting or grind­ing the area and remov­ing small par­ti­cles, and then inject­ing the emp­ty crack with your crack filler com­pound, pay­ing close atten­tion to the product’s spe­cif­ic appli­ca­tion and cur­ing instruc­tions (some com­pounds require mixing/​wetting before or dur­ing appli­ca­tion). A put­ty knife or trow­el should be used to smooth out the com­pound as it sur­pass­es the crack, so you end up with an even fin­ish. Con­trac­tors like Kaloutas uti­lize spe­cial­ized machin­ery like state-of-the-art pow­er trow­els and prod­ucts such as fast cure MMA seam­less epoxy pol­ished con­crete floors to make the job eas­i­er and more effi­cient, allow­ing for less downtime. 

Resur­face or Pol­ish Your Indus­tri­al Floors

Even after you’ve patched up the cracks in your con­crete floors, your floor might have unwant­ed slopes that present a trip­ping haz­ard. Addi­tion­al­ly, you’ll want to do what­ev­er you can to pre­vent fur­ther cracks from occur­ring. Both of these issues can be resolved via con­crete floor resur­fac­ing, which comes in a vari­ety of forms. The most pop­u­lar resur­fac­ing options include con­crete pol­ish­ing and epoxy floor­ing sys­tems. For pol­ished con­crete floors, the sub­strate is lev­eled via dia­mond grinders dur­ing the process a den­si­fi­er and stain guard are applied, result­ing in a smooth, glossy, durable, even sur­face that’s extreme­ly low-main­te­nance (though vul­ner­a­ble to cer­tain chem­i­cals). On the oth­er hand, epoxy coat­ings are sim­ply applied over the exist­ing floor after it has been patched up and mechan­i­cal­ly prepped, offer­ing pow­er­ful pro­tec­tion against mois­ture, chem­i­cals, impact, and more, as well as a wide vari­ety of col­or and fin­ish options. With a prop­er indus­tri­al floor coat­ing, you won’t have to wor­ry about the health issues caused by these chem­i­cals and mildew, which means few­er employ­ee sick days and bet­ter labor costs for you.

Keep Things Even with Self-Lev­el­ing Underlayment

While indus­tri­al floor coat­ings and con­crete pol­ish­ing can help cre­ate a more lev­el sur­face, it’s often best to re-lev­el the sub­strate before­hand to ensure that your indus­tri­al floor­ing remains even for many years to come. You can accom­plish this goal by installing a self-lev­el­ing under­lay­ment, which flat­tens and smooths inte­ri­or sur­faces pri­or to coat­ing and/​or cov­er­ing their upper­most lay­ers. Of course, apply­ing self-lev­el­ing under­lay­ment requires extreme pre­ci­sion along with spe­cial­ized tech­niques and tools and deep knowl­edge of var­i­ous coat­ings and cov­er­ings. If per­formed improp­er­ly, you may end up putting your floors at greater risk of dam­age, which is why it’s cru­cial to hire expe­ri­enced pro­fes­sion­als like Kaloutas for this task. We have the equip­ment and exper­tise to ensure you have the safest and most sus­tain­able con­crete floors pos­si­ble. With the sav­ings in labor costs, main­te­nance, and repairs, a job with Kaloutas will also ensure a high­er return on investment. 

Don’t let your indus­tri­al floors fall through the cracks of your oper­a­tion. Let the con­crete floor­ing experts at Kaloutas fix any cracks and/​or uneven­ness that cur­rent­ly cor­rupt your foun­da­tion. To learn more about us and all that we do, includ­ing our con­crete pol­ish­ing ser­vices, con­tact us online, or give us a call at 9785321414 today.

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