How We Can Help Real Estate Managers Rent Their Space… | Kaloutas

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How We Can Help Real Estate Managers Rent Their Space Faster

New floors in a rental lobby How We Can Help Real Estate Managers Rent Their Space Faster

Real estate man­agers are tasked with jug­gling count­less tasks with the aim of sell­ing or rent­ing a prop­er­ty at the high­est price pos­si­ble, as fast as pos­si­ble. Prop­er­ties must be struc­tural­ly sound, safe, clean, func­tion­al, and beau­ti­ful. This bal­anc­ing can be dif­fi­cult in any envi­ron­ment. For­tu­nate­ly, team­ing up with a reli­able full-ser­vice com­mer­cial com­pa­ny like Kaloutas can remove much of the frus­tra­tion and con­fu­sion that pre­vents real estate man­agers from leas­ing a property.

Here’s how we can help real estate man­agers lease their spaces faster and for a high­er return on investment.

How Kaloutas Con­trac­tors Help Real Estate Managers

We Tack­le Mul­ti­ple Key Ser­vices Under One Umbrella

Even if a prop­er­ty is in rel­a­tive­ly good shape, real estate man­agers must do every­thing they can to improve its con­di­tion if they wish to pro­vide their ten­ant with the best prop­er­ty pos­si­ble and max­i­mize their return. There’s a lot to con­sid­er here, from safe­ty mea­sures to inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or paint­ing to floor­ing, and much more. Rather than hire sep­a­rate ser­vices to han­dle each of these impor­tant duties, real estate man­agers are bet­ter off find­ing one con­trac­tor that can over­see it all. Kaloutas pro­vides a mul­ti­tude of ser­vices such as indus­tri­al clean­ing, paint­ing, indus­tri­al floor­ing, mois­ture mit­i­ga­tion, caulk­ing, fire­proof­ing instal­la­tions, and more.

We Have the Infra­struc­ture and Work­force to Han­dle the Largest Projects

Larg­er prop­er­ties can be chal­leng­ing to rent or sell due to their size — sim­ply put, the larg­er a prop­er­ty is, the more repairs and ren­o­va­tions are required. Many ser­vice providers sim­ply lack the band­width to over­see these larg­er projects. Not Kaloutas. With our effec­tive office staff and over 80 field per­son­nel, we have the infra­struc­ture and work­force to han­dle the largest com­mer­cial paint­ing, clean­ing, main­te­nance, repair, and indus­tri­al floor­ing projects. As such, Kaloutas gets the job done on time, every time.

We Put Safe­ty First

Real estate man­agers must pri­or­i­tize safe­ty in their efforts to sell or rent out their space. Fail­ing to ensure max­i­mum safe­ty can result in cost­ly delays, and/​or seri­ous injury. When seek­ing con­trac­tors to improve a prop­er­ty, then, real estate man­agers should only choose those that put safe­ty first, both in terms of work­er pro­tec­tion and pre­ven­ta­tive main­te­nance pro­to­cols. At Kaloutas, our teams are out­fit­ted with the prop­er per­son­al pro­tec­tive equip­ment (PPE) for each job, and we always ensure that the work is being per­formed in a safe, com­pli­ant manner.

Our Work Adheres to Com­pli­ance Standards

Speak­ing of safe­ty, dif­fer­ent indus­tries and types of facil­i­ties have dif­fer­ent health and safe­ty require­ments. Some real estate man­agers might not be aware of these nuances, but at Kaloutas, we know the ins and outs of every busi­ness and facil­i­ty we serve. Whether a space demands low-VOC paint, eco-friend­ly floor­ing solu­tions, neg­a­tive air pres­sure sys­tems, spe­cial­ized coat­ings and insu­la­tion, etc., our work always adheres to these rel­e­vant com­pli­ance standards.

We Make Prop­er­ties Look Good as New

Appear­ances aren’t every­thing, but leas­ing or sell­ing a prop­er­ty is essen­tial­ly impos­si­ble if it doesn’t look good. From indus­tri­al and com­mer­cial paint­ing, indus­tri­al floor­ing, pres­sure wash­ing, floor repair and our make ready” pro­gram, we help real estate man­agers rent their space faster (and boost its mar­ket val­ue) by height­en­ing its curb appeal and inte­ri­or atmosphere.

Whether you’re a real estate man­ag­er or a busi­ness look­ing to rent out some space, let the experts at Kaloutas make it eas­i­er for you to do so. To learn more about us and all that we do, con­tact us online, or give us a call at 9785321414 today.

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Kaloutas simplifies facility management by offering comprehensive services including industrial flooring, cleaning, coating, fireproofing, and containment. We streamline your operations, ensuring compliance, safety, and aesthetics while reducing complexity in the process. Our Hard Work Made Easy solution eliminates the need for multiple contractors, guaranteeing minimal downtime and expert execution. With over 30 years of experience, we make facility maintenance effortless. Contact us to discover how we can meet your needs and save you time through our consolidated approach.

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