Top 3 Ways to Implement a Commercial Fireproofing… | Kaloutas

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Top 3 Ways to Implement a Commercial Fireproofing Maintenance Plan

Spray-applied fireproofing on a ceiling in a facility. Top 3 Ways to Implement a Commercial Fireproofing Maintenance Plan

Fires can have dev­as­tat­ing effects on lives and assets. In a per­fect world, fires would be entire­ly pre­vent­ed. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, many fac­tors can lead to com­mer­cial fires, even if you main­tain strong safe­ty pro­to­cols – this is why imple­ment­ing and main­tain­ing a prop­er fire pro­tec­tion plan is so important.

What Is a Fire Pro­tec­tion Plan?

A fire pro­tec­tion plan is a way of con­fig­ur­ing both active and pas­sive mea­sures to min­i­mize the neg­a­tive effects of a fire should one take place. Active fire pro­tec­tion (AFP) refers to sys­tems that require some type of action (man­u­al or auto­mat­ed) to respond to flames, such as alarms, sprin­klers, and extin­guish­ers. Pas­sive fire pro­tec­tion (PFP), on the oth­er hand, com­part­men­tal­izes a build­ing with fire stop­ping and fire­proof mate­ri­als. Togeth­er, these active and pas­sive mea­sures help con­trol fires and pro­tect occu­pants to max­i­mum effect. Prop­er plan­ning ensures that the build­ing is out­fit­ted with the nec­es­sary AFP and PFP measures.

How Do you Make a Fire Pro­tec­tion Plan?

The key to cre­at­ing an effec­tive fire pro­tec­tion plan is under­stand­ing your building’s needs, your industry’s fire codes, and which fire­proof­ing prod­ucts and sys­tems are best suit­ed for your facil­i­ty. This plan should be in con­cert with a fire pre­ven­tion plan. The Occu­pa­tion­al Safe­ty and Health Admin­is­tra­tion (OSHA) states that, A fire pre­ven­tion plan must be in writ­ing, be kept in the work­place, and be made avail­able to employ­ees for review.” OSHA also notes that a fire pre­ven­tion plan must, at min­i­mum, include:

  • A list of all major fire haz­ards, prop­er han­dling and stor­age pro­ce­dures for haz­ardous mate­ri­als, poten­tial igni­tion sources and their con­trol, and the type of fire pro­tec­tion equip­ment nec­es­sary to con­trol each major hazard.

  • Pro­ce­dures to con­trol accu­mu­la­tions of flam­ma­ble and com­bustible waste materials.

  • Pro­ce­dures for reg­u­lar main­te­nance of safe­guards installed on heat-pro­duc­ing equip­ment to pre­vent the acci­den­tal igni­tion of com­bustible materials.

  • The name or job title of employ­ees respon­si­ble for main­tain­ing equip­ment to pre­vent or con­trol sources of igni­tion or fires.

  • The name or job title of employ­ees respon­si­ble for the con­trol of fuel source hazards.”

Main­tain­ing Your Com­mer­cial Fire­proof­ing

Though fire pro­tec­tion and pre­ven­tion plans are slight­ly dif­fer­ent, they’re both aimed at pro­tect­ing your peo­ple and prop­er­ty from the dev­as­ta­tion of flames. Fire­proof­ing is an inte­gral part of this ongo­ing fire pro­tec­tion plan, so it must be main­tained. Let’s list the top 3 ways to imple­ment a com­mer­cial fire­proof­ing main­te­nance plan.

Top Three Ways to Imple­ment a Com­mer­cial Fire­proof­ing Main­te­nance Plan

1. Install the Right Mate­ri­als in the Right Places

Not all fire­proof­ing is cre­at­ed equal. The com­po­nents and mate­ri­als used in cre­at­ing a final prod­uct will impact their effec­tive­ness and dura­bil­i­ty. More­over, fire­proof­ing comes in mul­ti­ple forms, name­ly cemen­ti­tious and intu­mes­cent (i.e., expand­ing). Depend­ing on their type and com­po­si­tion, some fire­proof­ing mate­ri­als are bet­ter suit­ed for spe­cif­ic con­di­tions (e.g., dry, humid, cold, warm, etc.). Installing the right fire­proof­ing prod­ucts in their opti­mal loca­tions is cru­cial for main­tain­ing your com­mer­cial fireproofing.

2. Con­duct Peri­od­ic Fire­proof­ing Inspections

Like any oth­er mate­r­i­al, fire­proof­ing mate­ri­als dete­ri­o­rate over time. Your building’s fire­proof­ing can also become dam­aged due to impact, inter­nal cli­mate fluc­tu­a­tions, and more. In most instances, you won’t notice if there’s an issue with your fire­proof­ing unless you take a close look at it. As such, con­duct­ing peri­od­ic visu­al inspec­tions for dam­age or poten­tial fail­ure are key to main­tain­ing their efficacy.

3. Repair and Replace Fire­proof­ing as Needed

Keep­ing an eye on your fire­proof­ing mate­ri­als will let you know if they require atten­tion. If so, you must not wait to repair or replace the dam­aged sec­tion as need­ed. Fire­proof patch­ing ser­vices come in handy in this regard.

Plan­ning to Pro­tect Your Facil­i­ty from Fire

Prop­er fire pro­tec­tion and pre­ven­tion is all about plan­ning and imple­ment­ing that plan with qual­i­ty instal­la­tion, suit­able prod­ucts, and ongo­ing main­te­nance. At Kaloutas, we han­dle all of these aspects of fire pro­tec­tion, deploy­ing effi­cient, unob­struc­tive meth­ods to keep our clients, their peo­ple, and their prop­er­ties safe. To learn more about us and all that we do, con­tact us online or give us a call at 9785321414 today.

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Kaloutas simplifies facility management by offering comprehensive services including industrial flooring, cleaning, coating, fireproofing, and containment. We streamline your operations, ensuring compliance, safety, and aesthetics while reducing complexity in the process. Our Hard Work Made Easy solution eliminates the need for multiple contractors, guaranteeing minimal downtime and expert execution. With over 30 years of experience, we make facility maintenance effortless. Contact us to discover how we can meet your needs and save you time through our consolidated approach.

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