Top Five Benefits of Regular Safety and Compliance Audits… | Kaloutas

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Top Five Benefits of Regular Safety and Compliance Audits for Facility Owners

Industrial equipment. Top Five Benefits of Regular Safety and Compliance Audits for Facility Owners

Get­ting reg­u­lar­ly audit­ed for safe­ty and com­pli­ance is a ton of work. But it is gen­er­al­ly worth it, con­sid­er­ing the many perks it offers. If you can­not decide whether to have your facil­i­ty audit­ed, check out the ben­e­fits you can get out of it.

Overview of Reg­u­lar Safe­ty and Com­pli­ance Audits

A safe­ty and com­pli­ance audit refers to the process of assess­ing a facility’s work envi­ron­ment, equip­ment, and pro­ce­dures. The audit is done by an exter­nal audi­tor or some­one who does not work in your facility. 

Safe­ty and com­pli­ance audits involve col­lect­ing all rel­e­vant doc­u­ments. If a facil­i­ty under­goes reg­u­lar audits, it helps to have record-keep­ing and a facil­i­ty safe­ty audit check­list in place. Oth­er­wise, your team may spend hours just gath­er­ing all nec­es­sary records.

In addi­tion to assess­ing records, audi­tors may also have to vis­it facil­i­ties. They need to be on-site to observe employ­ees’ behav­ior, walk through work­spaces, and test the safe­ty of equip­ment. An on-site vis­it is also need­ed to find out whether there are suf­fi­cient func­tion­ing safe­ty tools and pieces of equipment. 

Audi­tors will then pro­vide a report and rec­om­men­da­tions by the end of the audit process. Facil­i­ties are then required to imple­ment the rec­om­mend­ed cor­rec­tive actions with­in a cer­tain amount of time.

What Is the Pur­pose of Safe­ty Audits in the Workplace?

The pur­pose of con­duct­ing safe­ty audits in the work­place is to deter­mine whether the facil­i­ty meets indus­try stan­dards. It also helps employ­ers keep their work­force out of dan­ger, increase effi­cien­cy, and avoid legal risks relat­ed to compliance.

Why Facil­i­ties Should Con­sid­er Reg­u­lar Safe­ty and Com­pli­ance Audits

Hav­ing your facil­i­ty under­go reg­u­lar safe­ty and com­pli­ance audits can be over­whelm­ing. Col­lect­ing doc­u­ments and prepar­ing your facil­i­ty and team can take a lot of time. Still, it is worth every effort, as reg­u­lar safe­ty and com­pli­ance audits ben­e­fit your facil­i­ty in many ways.

1. Iden­ti­fy­ing and Fix­ing Poten­tial Hazards

Are you won­der­ing what the main ben­e­fit of con­duct­ing reg­u­lar safe­ty audits is? These efforts dras­ti­cal­ly reduce work­place safe­ty hazards.

Many things can become a haz­ard in a facil­i­ty, such as miss­ing ground pins on elec­tri­cal sys­tems and mov­ing and unguard­ed machin­ery. A sim­ple liq­uid spill can become a slip-and-fall haz­ard as well. If your employ­ees need to climb up lad­ders and scaf­folds, they may fall and get injured. 

With so many safe­ty haz­ards in a facil­i­ty, it’s easy to over­look some of them. When you miss a poten­tial haz­ard, employ­ees are put at risk. Facil­i­ty own­ers or man­agers are usu­al­ly liable if an employ­ee sus­tains an injury at work because safe­ty haz­ards were neglect­ed. Acci­dents at work can also dis­rupt your busi­ness operation.

As a facil­i­ty own­er or man­ag­er, you are respon­si­ble for cre­at­ing a safe work­ing envi­ron­ment for your peo­ple. And reg­u­lar safe­ty audits can help you with that. The audi­tor will scru­ti­nize all aspects of your facil­i­ty, from equip­ment to employ­ee prac­tices. It means you won’t miss a haz­ard that could harm your team. By proac­tive­ly pin­point­ing exist­ing risks and vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties, you can fix them before it’s too late.

2. Cost Reduc­tion Through Increased Efficiency

Any facil­i­ty own­er wants their facil­i­ty to oper­ate effi­cient­ly. The more effi­cient a facil­i­ty is, the few­er resources are wast­ed. By increas­ing your facility’s effi­cien­cy, you can make more mon­ey. And as the facil­i­ty becomes more prof­itable, you will have more resources to expand or invest back into employees. 

Safe­ty and com­pli­ance audits can be use­ful in deter­min­ing issues that drag your team’s effi­cien­cy down. For exam­ple, the audit will let you know which pieces of machin­ery need main­te­nance. By detect­ing prob­lems ear­ly, you can get the machin­ery inspect­ed before the issue wors­ens. By ensur­ing all equip­ment in your facil­i­ty stays in its best shape, your team can work undisrupted.

Addi­tion­al­ly, deter­min­ing and address­ing haz­ards min­i­mizes the risk of acci­dents and com­pen­sa­tion claims. As a result, you’ll save mon­ey and make your facil­i­ty a safe place to work. 

Fur­ther­more, reg­u­lar safe­ty audits can reduce the risk of unex­pect­ed down­time. Unplanned facil­i­ty down­time can hurt a business’s bot­tom line, so find­ing ways to pre­vent it from hap­pen­ing is cru­cial. Over­all, safe­ty and com­pli­ance audits can help you reduce expens­es over time.

3. Improved Employ­ee Morale

If you want your team to become more pro­duc­tive, you should work on improv­ing employ­ee morale. One way to do that is to cre­ate a safe work­ing envi­ron­ment. Employ­ees who feel safe in their work­place tend to become more sat­is­fied and engaged in their jobs. After all, sat­is­fied employ­ees are moti­vat­ed to do more.

As pre­vi­ous­ly men­tioned, a facil­i­ty safe­ty audit helps employ­ers cre­ate a safe place for employ­ees to work. With the audit, you can uncov­er and prompt­ly address poten­tial haz­ards in the facil­i­ty. By elim­i­nat­ing all safe­ty risks, your employ­ees don’t have to be cau­tious all the time. They don’t have to wor­ry about get­ting injured while doing their job. Instead, they can con­cen­trate on the task at hand and are less like­ly to be absent.

Also, con­duct­ing audits and tak­ing cor­rec­tive actions can show your employ­ees that you care for their well-being. It can fos­ter trust with­in the organization. 

4. Ensur­ing Com­pli­ance With Reg­u­la­to­ry Standards

Gov­ern­ment agen­cies have set com­pul­so­ry stan­dards and reg­u­la­tions that facil­i­ties must com­ply with. Com­pli­ance with these reg­u­la­to­ry stan­dards isn’t option­al. You have to adhere to these stan­dards, no mat­ter the cost. Oth­er­wise, your busi­ness can face legal repercussions.

Rules and reg­u­la­tions con­stant­ly change. One of the ways to stay on top of every­thing is to under­go reg­u­lar safe­ty and com­pli­ance audits. These audits aren’t designed to pun­ish facil­i­ties but to help them pin­point gaps and issues. By being aware of the prob­lems found dur­ing the audit, your facil­i­ty can avoid hefty fines and lawsuits.

Aside from that, com­pli­ance with reg­u­la­to­ry stan­dards will give your facil­i­ty an impres­sion of trust­wor­thi­ness. It can help you gain stake­hold­ers’ con­fi­dence, which is vital in a com­pet­i­tive busi­ness land­scape. Your safe­ty and com­pli­ance records are evi­dence of your facility’s com­mit­ment to con­stant improve­ment and ded­i­ca­tion to keep­ing your peo­ple safe.

5. Data Pro­tec­tion for Valu­able Assets

Con­duct­ing a com­pli­ance and safe­ty audit pro­tects your most valu­able asset: your work­force. Keep­ing employ­ees out of harm allows your facil­i­ty’s oper­a­tion to con­tin­ue with­out any delay.

Oth­er assets that get pro­tec­tion are your machin­ery and the facil­i­ty itself. You like­ly have invest­ed sub­stan­tial resources in the afore­men­tioned assets and want to make the most out of them. With reg­u­lar audits, you will be aware of issues, like struc­tur­al weak­ness­es and main­te­nance back­logs, before it is too late. You can address any issue and pre­vent it from wors­en­ing, keep­ing your assets in tip-top shape.

Cer­tain com­pli­ance audits can also help pro­tect the secu­ri­ty and pri­va­cy of your facil­i­ty and per­son­nel data. Data pro­tec­tion is impor­tant in build­ing trust between clients and stake­hold­ers as it guar­an­tees them that their infor­ma­tion won’t fall into the wrong hands.

The ben­e­fits of facil­i­ty com­pli­ance and safe­ty audits are incred­i­ble. How­ev­er, to reap them, you’ll need to allo­cate enough time and resources to planning. 

Pre­pare Your Facil­i­ty for an Audit With the Help of Experts

Sub­stan­tial prepa­ra­tion is essen­tial before com­pli­ance and safe­ty audits. If you need expert facil­i­ty sup­port before the audit, you can count on Kaloutas. We offer facil­i­ty fire­proof­ing, con­tain­ment, indus­tri­al floor­ing and clean­ing, caulk­ing, and com­mer­cial paint­ing. No mat­ter your facility’s needs, we guar­an­tee our team will han­dle and com­plete your project with safe­ty and com­pli­ance in mind.

Kaloutas imple­ments var­i­ous pro­grams, includ­ing OSHA 10 Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion and Job­site Haz­ard Analy­sis. These pro­grams ensure that each mem­ber under­stands safe­ty and com­pli­ance require­ments. There­fore, each project han­dled by the team is up to stan­dards. Aside from that, these pro­grams train our mem­bers to work with­out caus­ing harm to peo­ple and facilities.

Let us know about your facil­i­ty goals and project. Con­tact us today.

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