Why the Flexibility of Spray Fireproofing Is Essential for… | Kaloutas

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Why the Flexibility of Spray Fireproofing Is Essential for Full Coverage and Code Compliance

Spray on fireproofing on an industrial ceiling. Why the Flexibility of Spray Fireproofing Is Essential for Full Coverage and Code Compliance

What to Know About Spray Fire­proof­ing for Code Compliance

Why Is Fire­proof­ing Required?

Even a small fire can become extreme­ly destruc­tive. Not only do fires put peo­ple in harm’s way – but they can also dam­age equip­ment and oth­er valu­able assets, result­ing in major loss­es. Fire­proof­ing is one of many fire pro­tec­tion mea­sures to pre­vent and mit­i­gate these neg­a­tive out­comes. Despite the inher­ent ben­e­fits afford­ed by prop­er fire­proof­ing, how­ev­er, main­tain­ing ful­ly func­tion­al fire­proof­ing can be a chal­lenge with­out the right incen­tives in place. As such, var­i­ous reg­u­la­to­ry bod­ies such as the Occu­pa­tion­al Safe­ty and Health Admin­is­tra­tion (OSHA), Inter­na­tion­al Build­ing Code (IBC), and oth­ers over­see fire code com­pli­ance in all types of build­ings. Busi­ness­es that fail to main­tain com­pli­ance with these codes must pay fines or under­go oth­er penal­ties until the issue is resolved.

The Ben­e­fits of Spray on Fireproofing

While dif­fer­ent types of build­ings must adhere to spe­cif­ic fire pro­tec­tion codes, cer­tain fire­proof­ing mate­ri­als and tech­niques expe­dite com­pli­ance and improve build­ing safe­ty more effi­cient­ly than oth­ers. Spray fire­proof­ing, for instance, deploys full cov­er­age that helps keep build­ings com­pli­ant with rel­e­vant reg­u­la­tions. Here are some ben­e­fits of invest­ing in spray on fire­proof­ing.

Pro­tect Struc­tur­al Steel from Flames

Struc­tur­al col­lapse is the biggest threat posed by a com­mer­cial or indus­tri­al fire. Though struc­tur­al steel is high­ly durable, it begins to weak­en as tem­per­a­tures approach and exceed 1,000 degrees Fahren­heit. As steel beams bend and buck­le, the weight of the entire build­ing can begin to shift, even­tu­al­ly result­ing in a total col­lapse. There­fore, thor­ough­ly fire­proof­ing all struc­tur­al com­po­nents is inte­gral to not only pro­tect­ing your peo­ple and assets but also remain­ing com­pli­ant with fire codes. For­tu­nate­ly, most struc­tur­al steel is eas­i­ly pro­tect­ed via spray-applied fire­proof­ing. Doing so will help struc­tur­al steel retain its integri­ty and pro­long the time it takes for these com­po­nents to break down, allow­ing occu­pants to safe­ly exit in the event of fire.

Ful­ly Pro­tect Hard-to-Reach Areas

In order for a build­ing to com­ply with rel­e­vant fire codes, its most vul­ner­a­ble and valu­able fea­tures must be com­plete­ly pro­tect­ed with fire­proof­ing mate­ri­als. Of course, cer­tain fea­tures are dif­fi­cult to access due to their loca­tion, shape, and size. With fire­proof­ing spray, how­ev­er, even the hard­est-to-reach areas can receive the pro­tec­tive coat­ings they require. Spray mate­ri­als are flex­i­ble and easy to apply in all situations.

Get the Job Done Quickly

The con­ve­nience and flex­i­bil­i­ty afford­ed by spray fire­proof­ing trans­lates to more effi­cient fire­proof­ing on the whole. Fire­proof­ing con­trac­tors who are expe­ri­enced and qual­i­fied to spray on these coat­ings can get the job done quick­ly and cor­rect­ly. Though most spray-on fire­proof­ing mate­ri­als take 2 – 4 weeks to ful­ly cure, nor­mal oper­a­tions can resume after the coat­ings have been applied. Sim­ply put, spray fire­proof­ing min­i­mizes down­time in your facil­i­ty so you can get back to work and con­tin­ue tak­ing steps to keep your peo­ple and assets safe from harm.

When it comes to fire­proof­ing your facil­i­ty, work with a com­pa­ny that knows the ins and outs of rel­e­vant codes and who respects your sched­ule. At Kaloutas, we work the way you do, imple­ment­ing the best and most effi­cient process­es to keep your facil­i­ty oper­a­tional, safe, and com­pli­ant. To learn more about us and all that we do, con­tact us online or give us a call at 9785321414 today.

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