Industrial Painting Series

Welcome to the Kaloutas article series for the Pharmaceutical Industry. Industrial painting for this industry has specific requirements and selecting the right team is essential.
Why GMP Compliance is a Must for Pharmaceutical Companies
Kaloutas understands that the pharmaceutical industry must adhere to set standards and a commitment to excellence in order to best serve its clients. We hold ourselves to the same standards. Our crews and field managers believe in showing up on time and meeting the needs of our clients every time we go to work.
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Painting and Flooring for Laboratories During Scheduled Plant Shutdowns
In the pharmaceutical industry, facility shutdowns are a costly, but sometimes unavoidable, necessity– facility maintenance for example. We know that time is critical during pharmaceutical shutdowns, which is why the commercial flooring and painting contractors at Kaloutas can help you make the most of it.
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Which Industrial Paint is Right for Your Pharmaceutical Facility?
The pharmaceutical industry is one of the few that are leading the way in technology. When you think of high tech products, you probably don’t think about paint. However, as electronic technology has increased over the past decades, so has painting technology. Commercial and industrial paints have evolved, leading to more effective coatings and easier, cleaner application processes.
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4 Reasons Why Pharmaceutical Labs Love Kaloutas
Kaloutas works in a lot of unique environments and facilities across New England. Pharmaceutical laboratories are prime examples of the specialized workspaces that Kaloutas serves, as the chemicals and processes at work dictate the products, services and scheduling we use.
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Why Urethane Mortar is a Wise Flooring Solution for Pharmaceutical Companies
Pharmaceutical companies are all unique; however, they are similar in the fact that they must remain sanitary. Similarly, because pharmaceutical work is so important, facilities can’t be in constant need of maintenance. Kaloutas understands these points and serves the pharmaceutical industry with flooring solutions that create a workplace that is safe and easy to maintain.
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How to Tell if Your Concrete Floor Sealer is Doing its Job
Pharmaceutical companies rely on a clean work space. Ensuring that your work environment remains clean almost always starts with the foundation of your company’s building – its flooring. For this reason, it’s important to know the signs of dysfunctional concrete flooring so that you can ensure that your pharmaceutical company keeps running smoothly.
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Project Containment and What That Means for Your Pharmaceutical Facility
As you well know, the pharmaceutical industry is an extremely delicate and specialized process. Maintaining the purity and integrity of your products is your top priority, so when it comes time to repair and refresh your facility, containment is of the utmost importance.
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Benefits of ESD 200 Urethane Floor Coating for Pharmaceutical Companies
It is essential for the pharmaceutical to adhere to high standards for both safety and manufacturing. The scientific processes at work are changing lives from the hospital bed to the medicine cabinet. Precision flooring can provide the foundation you need for a safe and efficient workplace.
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5 Signs That Your Laboratory Needs an Industrial Concrete Coating
Nothing lasts forever, and from time to time the industrial flooring in your lab will need to be repaired, refreshed, or replaced. If you have noticed flaking, chipping, or cracking in your laboratory flooring, it may be time to look into a new concrete coating. Industrial flooring technology has come a long way in the past few decades and your options list is longer than it’s ever been.
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GMP Requirements for Pharmaceutical Facilities
In the delicate and finely tuned pharmaceutical industry, it’s critical to hold your processes to the highest standards by adhering to GMP guidelines. According to the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, or IPSE, these guidelines are “designed to minimize the risks involved in any pharmaceutical production that cannot be eliminated through testing the final product.”
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3 Industrial Flooring Options for Your Pharmaceutical Lab
Your pharmaceutical lab is a place where lives are saved through essential production and research processes. Here at Kaloutas’s industrial flooring division we have the utmost respect for your work.
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ISO Cleanroom Standards for Laboratories
In the pharmaceutical industry, small particles can make a big difference to the outcome of your products and experimentation. Achieving and maintaining ISO standards for your laboratory cleanroom is essential to the purity of your lifesaving, finished product.
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Best Cleanroom Products for Your Pharmaceutical Facility
If you use a cleanroom in your pharmaceutical facility, you understand the importance of having the right systems and products in place to keep your levels in check. The professional painters at Kaloutas understand the critical nature of your cleanroom and can install industrial flooring and use paint products to decrease contamination issues.
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Ask Kaloutas About CGMP Regulations for Your Laboratory
Maintaining quality control guidelines in your laboratory is essential for the safety of your employees and the outcome of your finished products. Part of maintaining these standards lies in your manufacturing, and another portion lies in the cleanliness and efficiency of your facility.
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What is Involved in Painting a Cleanroom for Your Lab?
Your cleanroom is a sensitive area where critical, even life saving work takes place. When it comes to maintaining and upgrading your cleanroom, you need a commercial painting company that understands the delicate work that you do.
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What are the Benefits of GMP Certification for Pharmaceutical Companies?
The products you test and produce in your pharmaceutical lab are of critical importance to those who need them. We understand that you take pride in your work and strive to move science forward for the good of many. Achieving GMP certification is a key component of your commitment to excellence, which centers not only on your finished products but on your facility and processes as well.
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Epoxy Coatings for Your Pharmaceutical Lab
Selecting the right coatings for your pharmaceutical lab is an essential decision in the overall maintenance of your building. We often preach the benefits of concrete epoxy coatings for your industrial floors, but epoxy paint can benefit your facility from floor to ceiling.
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Need Cleanroom Painting for Your Laboratory? Kaloutas Can Help!
Whether you need an apron or a full suit to enter it, your cleanroom is the most controlled environment in your facility. Regardless of the particles per cubic meter allowed in the air of your cleanroom, Kaloutas understands the level of detail required to paint and maintain it. We serve lab clients across New England from our five locations in New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts.
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