Commercial Painting Project in Stratham, NH | Kaloutas

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Commercial Painting in Stratham, NH - A Sweet Project to Be Part Of!

Tucked inside a green pock­et of south­ern NH woods, there is what many peo­ple would con­sid­er a lit­tle slice of heav­en on earth: a sprawl­ing, shin­ing choco­late fac­to­ry. And, not just any choco­late fac­to­ry, but one of two Lindt sites here in the U.S. (Europe boasts six more).

They have tempt­ed me per­son­al­ly every time I wait to check out at the gro­cery store, and often have found their way home on spe­cial occa­sions. Or, at least almost all the way home…

The Lindt fac­to­ry recent­ly expand­ed, adding a mas­sive 177,702 square-feet of pro­duc­tion space, offices, and a break room. Also not sur­pris­ing is the fact that every­one work­ing in this new expan­sion seems to be smil­ing. Maybe this is because of the pre­vail­ing cheer­ful atti­tude, the rich, nut­ty smell of choco­late in the air, or because of the free sam­ples being hand­ed out. Maybe all of the above! It’s hard to say.

Paint­ing New Construction

This was actu­al­ly not the first time we have had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work at the Lindt fac­to­ry. It was a plea­sure being asked back!

Below is a brief look at the sur­faces we paint­ed and the prod­ucts we used:

  • Ceil­ing Deck - As you can see in the pho­tos above, the ceil­ing deck was expan­sive. We paint­ed it a bright, light col­or to increase reflec­tiv­i­ty and vis­i­bil­i­ty, and specif­i­cal­ly select­ed a mul­ti-sur­face acrylic from Sher­win-Williams. This was a dry­fall paint, keep­ing the process neat and efficient.
  • Dry­wall - We chose a zero-VOC latex from Sher­win-Williams. Not only is this a durable, qual­i­ty prod­uct, but it also is vir­tu­al­ly odor­less. This cre­ates a healthy, non-intru­sive envi­ron­ment for every­one else at work.
  • CMU (con­crete block) Walls - We used zero-VOC latex paint on the con­crete block as well.

Cre­at­ing a Paint Con­tain­ment Unit

We cer­tain­ly weren’t the only ones work­ing hard to get this fac­to­ry up and run­ning on a tight sched­ule. Numer­ous oth­er trades were work­ing their mag­ic as well, includ­ing masons, elec­tri­cians, plumbers, and HVAC professionals.

To min­i­mize any mess as we sprayed the deck with dry­fall paint, we con­struct­ed a floor-to-ceil­ing con­tain­ment unit out of thick sheets of plas­tic. This paint­ing bub­ble, if you will, allowed us to coat the ceil­ing sec­tion by sec­tion in a way that both kept our space neat and made sure we didn’t slow down the oth­er trades.

How Did It All Turn Out?

This project was fin­ished on-time and with beau­ti­ful results. Be sure to click through the pho­tos above to see the dif­fer­ent aspects of our work! From the styl­ish, mod­ern col­ors of the office areas to the tough coat­ings of the pro­duc­tion space, we’re proud of the fin­ished product.

If you have any ques­tions regard­ing your com­mer­cial or indus­tri­al paint­ing project, why not con­tact us at Kaloutas? It would be our plea­sure to dis­cuss your spe­cif­ic needs and goals with you.

Kaloutas is New Eng­land’s pre­mier con­trac­tor for com­mer­cial & indus­tri­al paint­ing, floor­ing, and relat­ed ser­vices. Estab­lished in 1987, Kaloutas has become a trust­ed resource for gen­er­al con­trac­tors, facil­i­ties man­agers, and build­ing own­ers from Con­necti­cut to Maine. Our team prides itself on high qual­i­ty work­man­ship, jobs done on time & bud­get, and tack­ling com­plex projects that oth­er con­trac­tors don’t have the expe­ri­ence or resources to han­dle. Con­tact us today for a paint­ing or floor­ing esti­mate, or give us a call at 9785321414 to learn more.

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