When is it Time to Repaint Your Business? | Kaloutas

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Commercial Painting: When is it Time to Repaint Your Business?

Newly painted area in a commercial building. Commercial Painting: When is it Time to Repaint Your Business?

If you’re a busi­ness own­er or build­ing oper­a­tions man­ag­er, you keep a close eye on your equip­ment, facil­i­ty main­te­nance, and every­thing else you need to do to keep your com­pa­ny run­ning day to day.

Your business’s paint job can often be the last on your list, since it seems to occu­py the back­ground of your day-to-day oper­a­tions. But the truth is, a well-main­tained paint job is good for your bot­tom line.

How to Tell It Is Time to Repaint Your Business

Busi­ness Inte­ri­or Paint­ing: What to Look For

When eval­u­at­ing your com­mer­cial paint­ing needs, check your busi­ness inte­ri­or for any vis­i­ble issues with the paint job:

  • Is the paint crack­ing or peel­ing from the walls or ceilings?
  • Have sub­tle move­ments of equip­ment, desks, chairs, or peo­ple over time worn away paint or caused marks?

If you can see that the paint job has become tar­nished, it’s time to call a paint­ing con­trac­tor to fresh­en things up. Your con­trac­tor can also alert you to issues that may be lurk­ing beneath the sur­face of your paint job. For exam­ple, unseen mois­ture or tem­per­a­ture changes in your space may be affect­ing your paint­ing fin­ish. Once you’ve tak­en stock of your inte­ri­or paint needs, it’s time to check on your office build­ing exterior.

Com­mer­cial Exte­ri­ors: When is it Time for a Fresh Coat?

Paint­ing goes a long way to enhanc­ing the curb appeal of your busi­ness. But what is curb appeal? Con­sid­er this expla­na­tion from Hortica:

Curb appeal is the attrac­tive­ness of your store’s exte­ri­or when viewed from the street. It forms poten­tial buy­ers’ first impres­sions of your busi­ness, and more often than not, someone’s deci­sion to walk into a store hinges great­ly on how it looks from the out­side. This is why improv­ing your curb appeal to be more invit­ing and aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing is so important.” 

Sim­i­lar to your inte­ri­or, your busi­ness exte­ri­or paint job may be affect­ed by mois­ture and sub­ject to fad­ing over time. You may decide on a touch-up or a fresh coat depend­ing on your needs, your bud­get, and the rec­om­men­da­tions of your paint­ing con­trac­tor. If you’re going through a rebrand or a refresh of your com­pa­ny image, a new palette of col­ors for your paint exte­ri­or could get you off to a great start.

The weath­er can def­i­nite­ly affect your paint job. The lifes­pan of your paint job can be impact­ed depend­ing on the weath­er when it was applied. Severe weath­er and result­ing struc­tur­al dam­age to your build­ing could cause mois­ture dam­age to your walls and ceil­ings that would undoubt­ed­ly affect your paint job.

Cus­tom Paint­ing Advice for Your Business

If you’re won­der­ing whether your busi­ness inte­ri­or or exte­ri­or needs a fresh coat of paint, it’s prob­a­bly time to take a clos­er look. As a gen­er­al rule, if it’s been more than a year, it’s time to eval­u­ate your paint­ing needs.

Are you unsure whether to repaint, retouch, or refresh the look of your busi­ness? The com­mer­cial paint­ing experts at Kaloutas can help. We can cus­tomize your paint­ing project or facil­i­ty main­te­nance needs accord­ing to your bud­get, your indus­try require­ments, and your brand­ing guidelines.

We’ll work with you to get the job done with­out stop­ping work or inter­rupt­ing busi­ness. Don’t wait for more crack­ing, peel­ing, or fad­ing. Request your com­mer­cial paint­ing esti­mate today.

Kaloutas is New Eng­land’s pre­mier con­trac­tor for com­mer­cial & indus­tri­al paint­ing, floor­ing, and relat­ed ser­vices. Estab­lished in 1987, Kaloutas has become a trust­ed resource for gen­er­al con­trac­tors, facil­i­ties man­agers, and build­ing own­ers from Con­necti­cut to Maine. Our team prides itself on high qual­i­ty work­man­ship, jobs done on time & bud­get, and tack­ling com­plex projects that oth­er con­trac­tors don’t have the expe­ri­ence or resources to han­dle. Con­tact us today for a paint­ing or floor­ing esti­mate, or give us a call at 9785321414 to learn more.

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