Complete Fit-Out Painting for an Office Relocation in Canton, MA
Commercial painting is certainly ideal for refreshing an existing office space. After all, who doesn’t love to see interior colors transformed, updated, and surfaces revitalized? It can bring fresh oxygen into a workspace, boosting focus, motivation, and even creativity. And, beyond style alone, properly chosen and applied paint will protect and preserve the surfaces in your high-traffic areas.
We also, however, love being asked to paint spaces that are new to our clients. This is a wonderful way to help a freshly-started business (or a new location) get the very best launch possible, surrounded by clean, bright colors.
We recently had just this kind of opportunity and thought we’d share it with you here.
Office Fit-Out Painting — The Perfect Start for a New Location
A “fit-out” can be defined as providing something with what it needs for a special purpose. In this case, our client was relocating one of their offices to Canton, MA, and needed the space to be completely refreshed and prepared for their staff.
We used Sherwin Williams’ paints, but did match a couple of the colors to Benjamin Moore products. Take a look below for the details.
- Walls — SW ProMar 200 Eggshell
- Color — BM White Dove OC-17
- HMF — SW Pro Industrial HPA SG
- Color — BM White Dove OC-17
- SW Alkyd Dryfall – Flat White
As we have discussed before, the beauty of using dryfall paint is that any overspray dries almost instantaneously, harmlessly falling to the floor as dust. This allows for maximum speed, efficiency, and protection for surrounding surfaces.
To see the finished product, please feel free to click through the photo slideshow above. For another project example, take a look at this previous article.
Are You Looking for a MA Commercial Painter?
Here at Kaloutas, we have been proudly providing top-quality painting services to commercial and industrial clients since 1987. Please take a moment to get to know us a little better, browse our services, and then be sure to let us know how we can help. It would be a pleasure to serve you!
Kaloutas is New England’s premier contractor for commercial & industrial painting, flooring, and related services. Established in 1987, Kaloutas has become a trusted resource for general contractors, facilities managers, and building owners from Connecticut to Maine. Our team prides itself on high quality workmanship, jobs done on time & budget, and tackling complex projects that other contractors don’t have the experience or resources to handle. Contact us today for a painting or flooring estimate, or give us a call at 978−532−1414 to learn more.