How to Ensure Your Industrial Flooring Is Cleaned and… | Kaloutas

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Why It’s Important to Ensure Your Industrial Flooring Is Cleaned and Maintained

 Why It’s Important to Ensure Your Industrial Flooring Is Cleaned and Maintained

An indus­tri­al busi­ness’ suc­cess is direct­ly tied to the con­di­tion of its facil­i­ties, equip­ment, and assets. Com­pa­nies that neglect even the most basic main­te­nance duties are tak­ing a major and unnec­es­sary risk. Of course, facil­i­ty main­te­nance is a mul­ti-faceted, inten­sive endeav­or — every inch of a facil­i­ty and its con­tents requires atten­tion, though some ele­ments require more than oth­ers, like indus­tri­al floor­ing. Let’s go over why it’s par­tic­u­lar­ly impor­tant to ensure your indus­tri­al floor­ing is cleaned and main­tained on a rou­tine basis.

How Clean Floors Help Your Indus­tri­al Business

Employ­ee and Cus­tomer Safety

Unlike vir­tu­al­ly every oth­er part of your indus­tri­al facil­i­ty, your floors are in con­stant use. Dur­ing oper­a­tions, there isn’t a time when shoes or machin­ery aren’t press­ing down on your floors. In order to with­stand this con­stant pres­sure, your floors must be durable, well pro­tect­ed, and prop­er­ly suit­ed for the imme­di­ate envi­ron­ment (i.e. chem­i­cal resis­tant and ESD floor­ing in caus­tic envi­ron­ments, antimi­cro­bial floors in med­ical facil­i­ties, etc.). Addi­tion­al­ly, your floors must pro­vide a safe, even, anti-slip sur­face for per­son­nel, cus­tomers, and guests to walk upon with­out the risk of slips, trips, or falls. To ensure floor safe­ty, indus­tri­al floor clean­ing ser­vices must rou­tine­ly remove dust, debris, liq­uid spills, etc. from the sur­face. More­over, when floors expe­ri­ence dam­age and/​or dete­ri­o­ra­tion, these issues must be resolved imme­di­ate­ly to main­tain a safe work­ing envi­ron­ment. Sim­ply put, fail­ing to reg­u­lar­ly clean and main­tain your indus­tri­al floors puts your peo­ple in harm’s way, increas­ing liability.

Main­tain­ing Your Reputation

Your busi­ness’ rep­u­ta­tion can be a major asset or lia­bil­i­ty depend­ing on how well you care for it. Your facility’s appear­ance cer­tain­ly con­tributes to the way in which cus­tomers (and employ­ees) per­ceive your com­pa­ny. If your indus­tri­al floor­ing is in dis­re­pair, then, this will neg­a­tive­ly impact your rep­u­ta­tion, which will harm your bot­tom line. So, while invest­ing in indus­tri­al clean­ing and main­te­nance for your floors isn’t cheap, you’ll like­ly end up los­ing more mon­ey in the long run by neglect­ing this cru­cial task.

Com­ply­ing with Indus­try Regulations

Though the term lia­bil­i­ty” can be used casu­al­ly, it has a stricter legal def­i­n­i­tion. In this sense, when a busi­ness is liable, it is legal­ly respon­si­ble or oblig­at­ed for some past action/​inaction and/​or to rem­e­dy said action/​inaction. What does this have to do with indus­tri­al floor­ing main­te­nance? Var­i­ous reg­u­la­to­ry bod­ies such as the Occu­pa­tion­al Safe­ty and Health Admin­is­tra­tion (OSHA) require that busi­ness­es in cer­tain indus­tries com­ply with par­tic­u­lar stan­dards regard­ing employee/​customer health and safe­ty. As it turns out, OSHA has spe­cif­ic require­ments for the con­di­tion of indus­tri­al floor­ing, found here. Upon rou­tine inspec­tion, if your facility’s floor­ing is found to be non-com­pli­ant with these stan­dards, your busi­ness may be legal­ly liable and face fines and oth­er penal­ties as a result.

Pre­vent­ing Small Prob­lems from Becom­ing Major Liabilities

In addi­tion to safe­ty, rep­u­ta­tion­al, and legal con­cerns, it’s impor­tant to reg­u­lar­ly clean and main­tain your indus­tri­al floor­ing to avoid major, cost­ly repairs and replace­ments down the road. The small­est issues can grow expo­nen­tial­ly with­out prop­er pre­ven­ta­tive main­te­nance. This is why your floors and con­trol joints should be fre­quent­ly cleaned, inspect­ed, repaired, and re-sealed. If you’re lack­ing the skills, per­son­nel, and/​or resources to per­form these impor­tant tasks, part­ner up with the floor­ing experts at Kaloutas. We pro­vide floor­ing instal­la­tion, clean­ing, repair, line strip­ing, aisle mark­ing, and main­te­nance ser­vices for every type of facility.

To learn more about us and all that we do, con­tact us online or give us a call at 9785321414.

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Kaloutas simplifies facility management by offering comprehensive services including industrial flooring, cleaning, coating, fireproofing, and containment. We streamline your operations, ensuring compliance, safety, and aesthetics while reducing complexity in the process. Our Hard Work Made Easy solution eliminates the need for multiple contractors, guaranteeing minimal downtime and expert execution. With over 30 years of experience, we make facility maintenance effortless. Contact us to discover how we can meet your needs and save you time through our consolidated approach.

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