Concrete Sealing as Part of Floor Maintenance | Kaloutas

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Should Concrete Sealing Be a Part of Your Floor Maintenance Routine?

We recent­ly com­plet­ed a con­crete grind­ing and seal­ing project for one of our clients that cre­at­ed a dras­tic dif­fer­ence in the appear­ance and qual­i­ty of their floor. If you’d like more details about the work we did, please take a look at this arti­cle writ­ten for our sis­ter com­pa­ny, Kaloutas: Con­crete Grind­ing and Seal­ing — Cre­at­ing a Durable, Attrac­tive Indus­tri­al Floor.

Because this is a valu­able top­ic to con­sid­er for any­one who has con­crete floors in their facil­i­ty, we thought we’d elab­o­rate a lit­tle on the con­crete seal­ing process.

What to Know About Con­crete Floor Sealing

Why Seal Concrete?

Con­crete comes across as being an imper­vi­ous, rock-hard, inde­struc­tible kind of sur­face. And, in all hon­esty, it is def­i­nite­ly a ver­sa­tile and rugged choice (that’s why it has been so pop­u­lar for centuries!).

It is also, how­ev­er, porous.

This leads us to the first ben­e­fit of using a con­crete sealer:

  • Mois­ture-resis­tant — Because of its poros­i­ty, mois­ture (includ­ing water, leaks, chem­i­cals, work­place spills, etc.) will seep inside your con­crete sur­face. Espe­cial­ly in those areas of the coun­try that expe­ri­ence freeze/​thaw cycles, this can be dis­as­trous to the integri­ty of the mate­r­i­al over time. A qual­i­ty seal­er will help to repel mois­ture, cre­at­ing a sur­face that is both more eas­i­ly cleaned and longer-lasting.
  • Pro­tec­tion from dis­col­oration — Those spills that can find their way onto your floor will cre­ate per­ma­nent, ugly stains as they seep deep­er and deep­er down. A seal­er will help to keep the liq­uid on the sur­face where it can be eas­i­ly removed.

  • More attrac­tive — Pro­vid­ing a clean, wet look, your sealer’s appear­ance can range from near­ly invis­i­ble to a tint­ed fin­ish. It’s up to you, your styl­is­tic goals, and the spe­cif­ic prod­uct that you have in mind.

  • Dura­bil­i­ty — A care­ful­ly-applied coat of seal­er also offers an extra lay­er of pro­tec­tion. This is espe­cial­ly valu­able in those com­mer­cial and indus­tri­al envi­ron­ments in which your floors expe­ri­ence a lot of wear and tear.

When Should Con­crete Be Sealed?

After the con­crete has been laid, you need to wait at least 30 days before seal­ing. This applies to con­crete both indoors and out­doors. This allows the con­crete to set and the sealant to work optimally.

Are You Look­ing for an Indus­tri­al Floor­ing Professional?

At the end of the day, floor main­te­nance is an invest­ment in the safe­ty, aes­thet­ic appeal, effi­cien­cy, and longevi­ty of your prop­er­ty. We at Kaloutas’s indus­tri­al floor­ing divi­sion take all of the above seri­ous­ly! It would be a plea­sure to dis­cuss your spe­cif­ic floor­ing needs, and then build and imple­ment a ser­vice strat­e­gy that will exceed your expec­ta­tions. Why not call us today?

Kaloutas is New Eng­land’s pre­mier con­trac­tor for com­mer­cial & indus­tri­al paint­ing, floor­ing, and relat­ed ser­vices. Estab­lished in 1987, Kaloutas has become a trust­ed resource for gen­er­al con­trac­tors, facil­i­ties man­agers, and build­ing own­ers from Con­necti­cut to Maine. Our team prides itself on high qual­i­ty work­man­ship, jobs done on time & bud­get, and tack­ling com­plex projects that oth­er con­trac­tors don’t have the expe­ri­ence or resources to han­dle. Con­tact us today for a paint­ing or floor­ing esti­mate, or give us a call at 9785321414 to learn more.

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