What Is Anti-Static & ESD Flooring? | Kaloutas | Kaloutas

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Industrial Urethane Flooring: Anti-Static / ESD Applications

Here at Kaloutas, we take pride in stay­ing up to date on the lat­est floor­ing appli­ca­tions for all indus­tries. In indus­tries that use volatile chem­i­cals or elec­tri­cal com­po­nents, sta­t­ic dis­charge can cause finan­cial loss, dam­age and injury. Hav­ing the cor­rect sys­tems in place can elim­i­nate sta­t­ic issues and increase work­place safe­ty across the board.

We install ESD con­trol wall, floor and ceil­ing coat­ings to cre­ate entire ESD sys­tems for busi­ness­es across New Eng­land includ­ing Con­necti­cut, New Hamp­shire, Maine, Mary­land, Mass­a­chu­setts and Rhode Island.

What Is Anti-Sta­t­ic / ESD Flooring?

Over the years, com­mer­cial floor­ing has evolved with the needs of the indus­try, and the tech­nol­o­gy stem­ming from this evo­lu­tion has sky­rock­et­ed work­place safe­ty. ESD Floor­ing is a ure­thane coat­ing designed to con­sis­tent­ly and quick­ly elim­i­nate volt­age as well as hot and cold spots. These ESD ground­ing prod­ucts ground sta­t­ic before it has a change to cause prob­lems, stream­lin­ing work­flow and elim­i­nat­ing cost­ly issues and injuries.

Floor­ing by Kaloutas’s Indus­tri­al Floor­ing Division

Here at Kaloutas, we pride our­selves on lis­ten­ing to the needs of our clients and deliv­er­ing what they need, on their time­line. This is why our com­mer­cial floor­ing con­trac­tors reg­u­lar­ly work nights and week­ends to install the per­fect prod­ucts with min­i­mal down­time. We believe in excel­lence, done right the first time, which is why our com­mer­cial paint­ing cus­tomers keep com­ing back. 

Floor­ing Projects

Indus­tri­al ESD Floor­ing Applications

Click the link to learn more about how ESD and Anti-Sta­t­ic floor­ing could increase the safe­ty and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty of your workplace.

What Caus­es Elec­tro­sta­t­ic Discharge
Con­fused about what indus­tries could ben­e­fit from ESD floor­ing? Use the link above to find out if your facil­i­ty would work bet­ter with this inno­v­a­tive floor­ing system.

ESD Floor­ing Instal­la­tion in Cazen­ovia, NY

If you want to see a large-scale ESD floor­ing instal­la­tion in action, check out the project we did for this New York client who man­ages elec­tri­cal switch­es and con­trol systems.

How Can We Stream­line Your New Eng­land Flooring?

What would a cus­tomized, indus­try spe­cif­ic floor­ing instal­la­tion do for the safe­ty and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty of your New Eng­land work­place? Give us a call at 9785321414 with any ques­tions you have about com­mer­cial and indus­tri­al floor­ing. If it’s after hours, feel free to drop us a note online by click­ing here to request a phone call or estimate.

What Sets Kaloutas Apart

One Vendor

No need to onboard multiple teams with separate project management styles and budgets. Get it all done with Kaloutas.

Inspection Support

Our inspection prep services keep you safe, compliant, and productive.

Proactive Planning

Stay 3 steps ahead on projects for every area of your facility.

True Partnership

We're your year-round partner for a cleaner, more productive commercial or industrial site.

Do More With One Vendor: Facility Maintenance Plans by Kaloutas

getting stuck in a cycle of bidding wars, onboarding, and project planning.
🛑 a periodic maintenance plan with Kaloutas to keep your company going strong year-round.

Together We Will...

  • Get upgrades done, even on a time or budget crunch.
  • Streamline contractor onboarding.
  • Create a customized facility maintenance plan.
  • Work “3 steps ahead”: prepare for inspections, expansions, and operations changes without stopping work.

With Kaloutas as Your Single Vendor...

All your facility maintenance, flooring, specialized coating, industrial cleaning, and building inspection prep gets done by a team who works how you work:

  • Your safety and compliance requirements.
  • Your rules and regulations.
  • Your products and equipment.
  • Your operations processes and production schedule.

Floor to ceiling, inside and out, protect your surfaces, your products, your people, and your equipment with expert facility support from Kaloutas. Call us today to get started.

What Our Clients Say

“Customer service and quality from Kaloutas are unmatched. A great working relationship among both the office and field staff.”
- Alexander Wong
“Jay Culbert and his team have been a total delight to work with. This job, which could have been a nightmare, has gone ever so smoothly. Jay has done a great job wrangling all the involved trades into a seamless unit. The Board of Trustees is delighted. Jay is a joy, as is his cohort. Please know how happy the Board and I are and how much I look forward to working with Jay, and Kaloutas again. ”
- Nora Pepper, Regional Property Manager
Copley/Finch Management Corp
“Thank you for the level of service and professionalism that you have provided to us on a daily basis. Our success together is a true testament of what teamwork can really do. Thank you.”
- Kevin Hansen, Director of Estimating
Windover Construction
“Kaloutas has done a dozen or so projects for JM Coull in recent years, rising to the occasion each time with quality, on time delivery. They do a great job on the front end of each opportunity, able to accurately estimate and plan for the needs of a project with even the most preliminary information. In short, when Kaloutas is on the team, that's one less trade to worry about!”
- Tom Dube
Vice President, JM Coull, Inc
“We have had a highly successful working relationship with Kaloutas for ten years. Throughout this time, Kaloutas has often been responsible for the painting scope of work on our most difficult and challenging projects. Kaloutas consistently has met our expectations in all respects. Not only are they competitive with every business opportunity, they are critically attentive to schedule and quality of work. As Kaloutas has grown over the years, they have been able to retain the core values that made them successful in the early years of their business. We view Kaloutas as a progressive company that recognizes that successful management leads to success as a Painting contractor. We appreciate the business relationship that we have with Kaloutas, and would recommend them to any client that should have painting needs. ”
- Sean Fahy
President, CM&B
“It is without hesitation that I convey my high level of satisfaction with the entire team at Kaloutas. Over the past decade, we have worked together on various projects, including healthcare, retail, multifamily housing, and hospitality. Service, quality and commitment to budget are the attributes that allow us to be successful, and enable us to achieve high repeat client levels. Those are attributes we find in Kaloutas. I consider myself and the organization I represent to be a happy repeat customer. ”
- Edward Defanti
Sr. Vice President, Essex Builders Corp.
“I have worked with Kaloutas for 6 years now. The repeat business they see is a result of their competence, attention to detail, understanding towards a projects specific needs, accommodating approach and timeliness in execution and response. When I have them on my team, I know I have one less area for concern and my efforts can be focused on the projects most challenging aspects.”
- Jeff Cameron
Senior Project Manager, J. Calnan & Associates, Inc.
“I have been working with Kaloutas for over 10 years and I can honestly say they are one of the best painting contractors in New England. I can always count on them to finish on time, produce quality work, and maintain a professional presence from both the office and field. Client satisfaction is clearly a priority to Kaloutas and each project exhibits this positive attribute. I would strongly recommend Kaloutas to anyone who is looking for an established painting subcontractor to partner with to ensure your painting needs and project goals are met on every Project!”
- Shawn M. Gallant
Project Manager, Columbia Construction Company

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Whether you're a facility manager, general contractor, or building owner, Kaloutas is ready to tackle any heavy-duty industrial painting, cleaning, coating, fireproofing, containment, or flooring projects you need to stay operational. Talk with us today about your facility goals and project needs to improve compliance, safety, and aesthetics.

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