The word wallpaper conjures up different images for different people. Some think of the weird fruit print in their grandma’s kitchen while others get excited about the classy possibilities of today’s modern, commercial wallpaper and wallcoverings. The high end, commercial grade products used by our wallpaper and wallcovering installation team are certainly not your grandma’s wallpaper.
To get a better understanding of how to use these products in your commercial space, let’s go over the differences between wallpaper and wallcoverings and talk about what they can do for you.
What Is the Difference Between Wallpaper and Wallcoverings?
Wallpaper Vs. Wallcoverings
Commercial wallcoverings bring texture, pattern and style to your space in a way that paint alone cannot. They also protect your walls with a durable coating, adding not only stunning visual interest but outstanding protection. Commercial wallcoverings are an ideal choice for restaurants, schools, and salons as they can handle spills and splashes. True, choosing a commercial wallcovering is a more expensive option. But, when installed by one of our wallcovering artisans, you’ll get a sophisticated ambiance that is worth every penny.
Commercial Wallpaper, on the other hand, offers endless possibilities of color, print and style. It’s more in line with the wallpaper you can get at the big box store, but commercial grade construction means it comes with long lasting durability unavailable in residential wallpaper. Although it is not as durable as it’s wallcovering cousin, it will stand up to daily wear and tear as well as wiping and dusting.
The Kaloutas commercial wallpaper installation team has years of experience in seamless application of both wallcoverings and wallpaper. No matter which option you go with, our professional team will install it to perfection, leaving you with a stylish investment that will last for decades.
Our Wallcovering Artisans at Work
Customized Wallcoverings Bring New Life to a Historic, Worcester, MA Theater
Over the summer of 2016 the Kaloutas team was privileged to take part in the transformation of a historic New England theater. See how we used commercial wallcoverings and more than 25 paint colors to create seamless flow between the new addition and the historic theater.
Wood Grain Wallcoverings in Lexington, MA
Using wood grain wallcoverings, the Kaloutas team turned up the style in this Lexington, MA office space. We not only transformed the interior of this space, but put our commercial exterior painting knowledge to work on the building’s concrete exterior.
Commercial Interior Painting and Wallcoverings in Easton, MA
See how Kaloutas created a classy, stylish living space for some of New England’s senior citizens using commercial paint and wallcoverings. It’s so stunning you’ll want to move in right away, but odds are you’ll have to wait a few years.
How Can Kaloutas Help You Stand Out With Wallcoverings?
Our team is ready to boost your branding and help your space stand out from the crowd using commercial wallcoverings and wallpaper. Give us a call at 978−532−1414 or drop us a note online to get started.