Essential Services Your Fireproofing Contractor Must Offer to Ensure You're Up-to-Code
Fire safety is no laughing matter. When a fire spreads inside a facility, it can put people’s lives in danger and do extensive, costly damage to one’s assets. To minimize these risks, regulatory bodies like the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have enacted strict codes for businesses to follow regarding fire safety. Failing to comply with these rules can result in major fines, facility shutdowns, and other legal penalties. So, for the sake of your people’s safety and your business’ security, you must take all necessary precautions related to fire prevention. Fireproofing contractors play a major role in these efforts, offering several services that aim to keep facilities up to code.
Let’s outline some of the essential services your fireproofing contractor should offer to ensure you remain compliant with relevant regulations.
Essential Services Your Fireproofing Contractor Should Offer
Yearly Fire Safety Evaluations
Proper fireproofing can only take place after a facility has been thoroughly inspected and given a fire safety rating. Today, commercial and industrial buildings require annual fire code inspections and repairs (if necessary) of any exposed fireproofing to remain compliant. The fireproofing contractor you hire for your facility should have the resources and expertise to perform these evaluations and repairs at least once a year and on an as-needed basis.
Fireproof Coating Applications
Proper fire prevention consists of two primary strategies: active fire protection and passive fire protection. In this context, active measures refer to manual and automatic mechanisms that respond to a fire should one arise. Some examples of active fire protection include tools like fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, fire alarms, sprinklers, etc. Passive fire protection, on the other hand, refers to preventative measures that consistently work to slow the spread of fire inside a building without any type of trigger. Fireproof coatings are the primary example of passive fire protection, making them vital components of any up-to-code fire prevention strategy.
Fireproof coatings can be made from different materials and function somewhat differently. The two main types of fireproof coatings are cementitious fireproofing and intumescent fireproofing. Cementitious coatings are inherently resistant to high temperatures, protecting the underlying substrate from damage and degradation during a fire. Intumescent paint, on the other hand, transform when exposed to flames, expanding into a charcoal-like foam substance to create a large buffer that keeps high temperatures away from the protected substrate. A facility might feature both cementitious and intumescent fireproofing in different areas. Fireproofing contractors should be adept at applying both types of fireproofing to provide the best safety outcomes and keep a facility compliant.
Fireproof Patching
As effective and durable as high-quality fireproof paint may be, it is not immune to deterioration. Over time, even the strongest fireproof coatings can peel away and/or lose their effectiveness, making it necessary to re-apply coatings or patch certain sections of a given surface. Indeed, fireproof patching is an important service provided by the best fireproofing contractors. Contractors must test these patching compounds before applying them and make sure they’re suitable for the task at hand. Using unapproved or improper coatings can cause compliance concerns, along with safety risks and other liabilities. In short, fireproof patching should match existing coatings in type and thickness and adhere to relevant compliance standards.
Keep Your Facility Free from Fires and Fines
With so many rules and regulations to follow, staying up to date with all fire prevention and safety guidelines can be challenging without dedicated help. At Kaloutas, our fireproofing services are designed with safety, compliance, and efficiency in mind. We provide our clients with thorough evaluations, various fireproofing solutions, and quick-and-easy patching services when called for. Our additional services, including industrial cleaning, containment, and caulking, also contribute to a safer, fire-resistant facility.
To learn more about us and all that we do, contact us online or give us a call at 978−532−1414 today!