How Cementitious Fireproofing Saves Your Facility from… | Kaloutas

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How Cementitious Fireproofing Saves Your Facility From Major Repairs

Cementitious fireproofing on a ceiling How Cementitious Fireproofing Saves Your Facility From Major Repairs

If your facil­i­ty isn’t prop­er­ly pre­pared, a fire can have dev­as­tat­ing effects. Ade­quate fire­proof­ing con­sists of both active and pas­sive mea­sures. Active fire pro­tec­tion (AFP) includes auto­mat­ic and man­u­al respons­es to fires, such as smoke alarms, sprin­kler sys­tems, extin­guish­ers, etc. Pas­sive fire pro­tec­tion (PFP) is all about slow­ing down and/​or con­tain­ing fires via fire-resis­tant addi­tions to walls, ceil­ings, and floors. The two most com­mon forms of PFP include intu­mes­cent and cemen­ti­tious fire­proof­ing — the for­mer appli­ca­tion expands when in con­tact with high tem­per­a­tures to increase sep­a­ra­tion between steel and flame, while the lat­ter (made from cement or gyp­sum) is inher­ent­ly resis­tant to flames and doesn’t trans­form dur­ing the event of a fire. Both types of PFP offer impor­tant and viable pro­tec­tive mea­sures for all kinds of facil­i­ties. Let’s go over how cemen­ti­tious fire­proof­ing, in par­tic­u­lar, can save your facil­i­ty from major repairs.

Ben­e­fits of Cemen­ti­tious Fireproofing

Slows Down Heat Trans­fer Dur­ing a Fire

It’s no secret that fires are extreme­ly hot — how­ev­er, dif­fer­ent fires reach dif­fer­ent tem­per­a­tures based on a vari­ety of fac­tors (i.e., fuel source, the spread of flames, com­bustible mate­ri­als in the area, etc.). The aver­age fire reach­es some­where between 1,000 and 2,000 degrees Fahren­heit, which is hot enough to severe­ly dam­age if not entire­ly destroy var­i­ous mate­ri­als if left to burn long enough. Indeed, it takes time for those flames to heat up the sur­faces they touch, and the longer it takes, the more time there is to put out the fire and pro­tect your peo­ple and assets. Cemen­ti­tious fire­proof coat­ings pro­vide facil­i­ties with this addi­tion­al pre­cious time by slow­ing down the rate of heat trans­fer between fire and pro­tect­ed sur­faces. This way, even if some sur­faces and objects under­go dam­age, the nec­es­sary repairs and replace­ments will pale in com­par­i­son to what you would need to invest in otherwise.

Reduces Like­li­hood of Struc­tur­al Collapse

The great­est fear relat­ed to a facil­i­ty fire is a total col­lapse. When a build­ing los­es its struc­tur­al integri­ty, it becomes increas­ing­ly dif­fi­cult (if not impos­si­ble) to sal­vage most assets or pro­ceed with life sav­ing efforts. The struc­tur­al steel that props up most build­ings is high­ly durable, but even steel beams can warp and break under enough heat and pres­sure. Tem­per­a­tures of 2,500 degrees Fahren­heit or high­er are required to melt steel, but beams can sig­nif­i­cant­ly weak­en as tem­per­a­tures approach 1,500 degrees. Thanks to its heat trans­fer-reduc­ing prop­er­ties, cemen­ti­tious fire­proof­ing great­ly low­ers the risk of struc­tur­al col­lapse, espe­cial­ly when com­bined with oth­er pas­sive mea­sures (i.e., intu­mes­cent fire­proof­ing) and active fire­proof­ing mea­sures like sprin­klers, extin­guish­ers, etc.

Eas­i­ly Applied on Many Surfaces

The pro­tec­tive ben­e­fits afford­ed by cemen­ti­tious fire­proof­ing aren’t worth much if these coat­ings aren’t eas­i­ly applied to var­i­ous sur­faces and assets with­in your facil­i­ty. For­tu­nate­ly, mod­ern cemen­ti­tious coat­ings can be deliv­ered via spray­ing (the same goes for intu­mes­cent coat­ings). Spray on fire­proof­ing is effi­cient, con­ve­nient, and flex­i­ble, allow­ing con­trac­tors to more eas­i­ly coat even the hard­est-to-reach and odd­ly-shaped sur­faces, so they’re pro­tect­ed from flames. It must be not­ed, how­ev­er, that not all cemen­ti­tious coat­ings are rec­om­mend­ed in areas that receive high lev­els of mois­ture, as water can some­times make its way in between the fire­proof coat­ing and under­ly­ing sur­face. In these cas­es, exte­ri­or-rat­ed cemen­ti­tious sys­tems or intu­mes­cent prod­ucts pro­vide a bet­ter alter­na­tive in these situations.

Pro­tect Your Peo­ple and Prop­er­ty with Cemen­ti­tious Fireproofing

To sum up, cemen­ti­tious fire­proof­ing delays the time it takes for sur­faces to heat up, reduces the like­li­hood of struc­tur­al col­lapse, and can be applied to many sur­faces with rel­a­tive ease and effi­cien­cy. If it’s time to update your building’s fire­proof­ing mea­sures, work with a fire­proof­ing con­trac­tor that pri­or­i­tizes effi­cien­cy, safe­ty, and longevi­ty. At Kaloutas, our mul­ti-ser­vice teams work the way you do to min­i­mize down­time and max­i­mize oper­a­tions safe­ty and efficiency.

To learn more about us and all that we do, con­tact us online or give us a call at 9785321414 today.

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