How Intumescent Fireproofing Keeps Your Facility Functional | Kaloutas

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How Intumescent Fireproofing Keeps Your Facility Functional and Your People Working

Ceiling in a facility after intumescent paint was applied How Intumescent Fireproofing Keeps Your Facility Functional and Your People Working

Every busi­ness needs to have a fire pro­tec­tion pro­gram in place — OSHA (the U.S. Occu­pa­tion­al Safe­ty and Health Admin­is­tra­tion) won’t have it any oth­er way. Of course, abid­ing by these fire pre­ven­tion codes isn’t just about com­pli­ance; it’s about pro­tect­ing every­one and every­thing inside your facil­i­ty. In addi­tion to out­fit­ting your facil­i­ty with items like extin­guish­ers and smoke detec­tors, fire­proof­ing is an impor­tant com­po­nent of main­tain­ing strong fire pro­tec­tion pro­to­cols. Fire resis­tive coat­ings are meant to slow the spread of flames with­in a facil­i­ty and pro­tect the sur­faces from reach­ing extreme­ly high tem­per­a­tures. Intu­mes­cent coat­ings are among the most effec­tive options in this regard, expand­ing when exposed to high tem­per­a­tures to cre­ate a larg­er buffer between flames and the sur­faces they protect.

Occu­pa­tion­al safe­ty is the most impor­tant goal of mea­sures like intu­mes­cent fire­proof­ing. That said, pro­tect­ing your facil­i­ty and your peo­ple in this way has knock-on effects that serve to ben­e­fit your busi­ness in oth­er ways. More specif­i­cal­ly, intu­mes­cent fire­proof­ing can make your facil­i­ty more effi­cient at every lev­el, espe­cial­ly when installed and main­tained by knowl­edge­able pro­fes­sion­als. Here’s how intu­mes­cent fire­proof­ing keeps your facil­i­ty func­tion­al and your peo­ple working.

How Intu­mes­cent Fire­proof­ing Keeps Your Facil­i­ty Functional

Intu­mes­cent Fire­proof­ing Pro­tects Your Assets

As pre­vi­ous­ly men­tioned, intu­mes­cent coat­ings come alive when exposed to flames, swelling into a car­bon-based, non­com­bustible char-lay­er (char­coal-like) sub­stance to min­i­mize the effects of high heat on struc­tur­al com­po­nents, equip­ment, and oth­er assets. In doing so, even a strong fire has a hard­er time doing seri­ous dam­age to your facil­i­ty and its com­po­nents, reduc­ing the need for major repairs, slow-downs, and facil­i­ty down­time. Most impor­tant­ly, intu­mes­cent paint helps pre­vent struc­tur­al col­lapse, help­ing steel main­tain its integri­ty until the flames are snuffed out. Ulti­mate­ly, these qual­i­ties save your busi­ness time and mon­ey in the event of a fire, keep­ing your oper­a­tions flow­ing despite an emergency.

Intu­mes­cent Fire­proof­ing Ensures Occu­pant Safety

Your peo­ple are your great­est assets, and they deserve to work in an envi­ron­ment in which they feel com­fort­able and safe. Apply­ing high-qual­i­ty intu­mes­cent coat­ings in your facil­i­ty helps achieve these out­comes by bol­ster­ing work­place safe­ty. Ide­al­ly, your location(s) will nev­er face a fire. Still, know­ing that your build­ing is pro­tect­ed from the worst effects of a seri­ous fire gives every­one peace of mind, which in turn increas­es morale and day-to-day pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. More­over, this boost in work­place safe­ty trans­lates to few­er work­place injuries and less lia­bil­i­ty over­all. As such, your busi­ness will enjoy low­er healthcare/​insurance costs and few­er absences over the long term.

Intu­mes­cent Fire­proof­ing Is Effi­cient­ly Applied in the Right Hands

Last­ly, the intu­mes­cent fire­proof­ing process itself can be done in a quick and min­i­mal­ly-obstruc­tive man­ner when per­formed by a skilled and thought­ful fire­proof­ing con­trac­tor like Kaloutas. Indeed, while fire­proof coat­ings help keep your facil­i­ty func­tion­al and effi­cient, you don’t want to put your oper­a­tions on hold while the coat­ings are being applied. For­tu­nate­ly, intu­mes­cent coat­ings can be applied as a spray on fire­proof­ing mate­r­i­al, great­ly speed­ing up the process. Bet­ter yet, intu­mes­cent spray-on coat­ings can go over many exist­ing intu­mes­cent coat­ings, if prop­er­ly installed. Still, var­i­ous prepa­ra­tions must be made pri­or to appli­ca­tion, which is why the con­trac­tor in ques­tion should make clear well in advance that the facil­i­ty needs to be water­tight and main­tain a cer­tain inter­nal cli­mate for effi­cient, long-last­ing results. Coor­di­na­tion is key across the board if you wish to keep your oper­a­tions flow­ing dur­ing fire­proof­ing prepa­ra­tion and appli­ca­tion — at Kaloutas, we under­stand this well. 

We take the time to get to know a client and their facil­i­ty before mak­ing our move to help us pro­vide the best, most effi­cient ser­vices that don’t take a toll on work­place oper­a­tions or per­son­nel. Our No Work Stop­page Guar­an­tee” out­lines this point clear­ly, and we apply it to every­thing we do, includ­ing fire­proof­ing, con­tain­ment, clean­ing, paint­ing, caulk­ing, and more. To learn more about us and all that we do, con­tact us online or give us a call at 9785321414 today!

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Kaloutas simplifies facility management by offering comprehensive services including industrial flooring, cleaning, coating, fireproofing, and containment. We streamline your operations, ensuring compliance, safety, and aesthetics while reducing complexity in the process. Our Hard Work Made Easy solution eliminates the need for multiple contractors, guaranteeing minimal downtime and expert execution. With over 30 years of experience, we make facility maintenance effortless. Contact us to discover how we can meet your needs and save you time through our consolidated approach.

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