How Spray on Fireproofing in Commercial Buildings Enhances… | Kaloutas

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How Spray on Fireproofing in Commercial Buildings Enhances Your Safety Protocols

Spray on fireproofing on an outdoor construction project How Spray on Fireproofing in Commercial Buildings Enhances Your Safety Protocols

If you own or man­age a facil­i­ty, you should always think of ways to make it safer for every­one. Increas­ing work­place safe­ty isn’t just the right thing to do – it’s also cru­cial for main­tain­ing your busi­ness’ bot­tom line and rep­u­ta­tion. Each year, acci­dents, injuries, and prop­er­ty dam­age result in major loss­es for many busi­ness­es. There are many ways to reduce these lia­bil­i­ties, and prop­er fire­proof­ing is among the most impor­tant. Let’s explore how spray on fire­proof­ing in com­mer­cial build­ings helps enhance your safe­ty pro­to­cols.

How Spray on Fire­proof­ing Enhances Safe­ty Protocols

Pre­vent Severe Prop­er­ty Damage

The worst part of a fire is its poten­tial to put peo­ple in harm’s way. That said, after peo­ple have got­ten to safe­ty, a fire can still do plen­ty of dam­age to your assets until it’s com­plete­ly put out. High-qual­i­ty fire­proof­ing is designed to min­i­mize the destruc­tion of fires by pro­vid­ing a heat-proof bar­ri­er between the flames and the sur­faces it pro­tects. Intu­mes­cent fire­proof­ing goes a step fur­ther, expand­ing into a char­coal-like foam sub­stance when exposed to high tem­per­a­tures to put even more dis­tance between flames and impor­tant assets. In either case, this pro­tec­tion cre­ates a safer work envi­ron­ment, as it reduces the risk of major equip­ment mal­func­tions fol­low­ing a fire. Plus, busi­ness­es save mon­ey in the long run by avoid­ing cost­ly repairs and replace­ments, afford­ing more resources for fur­ther boost­ing safe­ty pro­to­cols.

Allow More Time for Safe Egress

As its name sug­gests, fire retar­dant paint slows down the spread of fires. This time-sav­ing capa­bil­i­ty is essen­tial for ensur­ing the safe­ty of all occu­pants with­in your com­mer­cial build­ing, pro­vid­ing addi­tion­al time for an order­ly exit and for fire­fight­ers to arrive on the scene. Larg­er, com­plex facil­i­ties espe­cial­ly stand to ben­e­fit from spray on fire­proof­ing, since it might take some time for every­one inside to locate and access the near­est exit in the event of a fire. Con­duct­ing peri­od­ic fire drills will give employ­ees plen­ty of prac­tice in this regard, but the extra lead time offered by intu­mes­cent paint is wel­come nonetheless.

Remain Com­pli­ant with Rel­e­vant Build­ing Codes

To ensure that busi­ness­es con­tin­ue to care for their prop­er­ties and peo­ple, var­i­ous orga­ni­za­tions (such as OSHA) have estab­lished strict reg­u­la­tions. Fail­ing to com­ply with these codes can result in fines and oth­er severe penal­ties. Though prop­er fire­proof­ing is only one of many safe­ty mea­sures to con­sid­er, it is one of the most impor­tant. Gen­er­al­ly speak­ing, sprayed fire­proof­ing pro­vides the nec­es­sary pro­tec­tion to meet these require­ments – of course, these coat­ings must be main­tained to remain com­pli­ant. For­tu­nate­ly, spray fire­proof­ing is rel­a­tive­ly easy to install and patch when nec­es­sary, so you can keep your build­ing up to code in this regard with min­i­mal cost and effort.

Main­tain a Safer Facil­i­ty with Spray on Fireproofing

A fire can break out in vir­tu­al­ly any type of facil­i­ty. If and when this hap­pens, you want to make sure your peo­ple and prop­er­ty are pre­pared to reduce its impact. At Kaloutas, we’re more than just fire­proof­ing con­trac­tors. In addi­tion to pro­vid­ing a vari­ety of fire­proof­ing mate­ri­als, we also per­form thor­ough facil­i­ty inspec­tions and offer clean­ing, paint­ing, seal­ing, and con­tain­ment ser­vices. We work close­ly with each client with the goals of min­i­miz­ing down­time and max­i­miz­ing effi­cien­cy and safety.

To learn more about us and all that we do, con­tact us online or give us a call at 9785321414 today.

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