Painting Commercial Refrigerator Cases | Kaloutas

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Painting Commercial Refrigerator Cases in Jamaica Plain, MA

As you may recall, we shared some infor­ma­tion a lit­tle while back about an inte­ri­or com­mer­cial paint­ing project we wrapped up for Whole Foods Mar­ket in Woburn, MA. We recent­ly were hap­py to be asked back to anoth­er Whole Foods loca­tion, this time in Jamaica Plain.

The last project we did for them involved using low-VOC inte­ri­or paint (a prod­uct with min­i­mal odor) so that we could work with­out dis­rupt­ing their cus­tomers’ com­fort or their staff’s oper­a­tions. Our mis­sion this time was to trans­form a few refrig­er­at­ed cas­es the store had recent­ly pur­chased that were white, not match­ing either the adja­cent cas­es or fit­ting in at all with the Whole Food’s col­or scheme.

Overnight Paint­ing Service

Our work began at 10 PM. Since sur­face prepa­ra­tion is a key, foun­da­tion­al ele­ment in any qual­i­ty paint­ing project, we start­ed by clean­ing the new cas­es and light­ly sand­ing them. The next step was to prime the fresh­ly-cleaned sur­face, using Stix Water­borne Bond­ing Primer. This par­tic­u­lar primer is low-odor, bonds well to sur­faces that are typ­i­cal­ly tough to coat, and sup­plies an incred­i­bly hard film. To ensure a qual­i­ty col­or hold­out, we also tint­ed the primer to a shade of grey.

As a final step, we topped things off with two coats of Ben­jamin Moore’s Imper­vex Latex High-Gloss Enam­el. This is a rugged prod­uct that is eas­i­ly wash­able, also low-odor, and retains its col­or beau­ti­ful­ly. Per­fect for this kind of application!

Com­mer­cial Paint­ing Success!

We were able to wrap every­thing up through the night, and when morn­ing came the cas­es were ful­ly dry, ready for action, and looked phe­nom­e­nal (if we do say so ourselves).

Can we help you with your next com­mer­cial or indus­tri­al paint­ing project? If so, please don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us! We at Kaloutas would be hap­py to answer any ques­tions you might have and go over the details of exact­ly what you have in mind.

Kaloutas is New Eng­land’s pre­mier con­trac­tor for com­mer­cial & indus­tri­al paint­ing, floor­ing, and relat­ed ser­vices. Estab­lished in 1987, Kaloutas has become a trust­ed resource for gen­er­al con­trac­tors, facil­i­ties man­agers, and build­ing own­ers from Con­necti­cut to Maine. Our team prides itself on high qual­i­ty work­man­ship, jobs done on time & bud­get, and tack­ling com­plex projects that oth­er con­trac­tors don’t have the expe­ri­ence or resources to han­dle. Con­tact us today for a paint­ing or floor­ing esti­mate, or give us a call at 9785321414 to learn more.

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