What Is a Thermal Shock System? | Kaloutas

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What Is a Thermal Shock System? Industrial Flooring Options for Your New England Facility

Industrial floor. What Is a Thermal Shock System? Industrial Flooring Options for Your New England Facility

We are all famil­iar with the dan­ger of pour­ing a hot liq­uid into a cold glass. The extreme, rapid tem­per­a­ture change can cause the glass to crack, or pos­si­bly even shat­ter (maybe you learned this the hard way as a kid!). Inter­est­ing­ly enough, the same prin­ci­ple can apply to the floor­ing in your com­mer­cial or indus­tri­al envi­ron­ment today. The sur­face may not lit­er­al­ly shat­ter, but expos­ing a floor that is nor­mal­ly in a cool envi­ron­ment to scald­ing hot water or clean­ing solu­tion can result in pre­ma­ture fail­ure, includ­ing bub­bling and cracking. 

What Does Ther­mal Shock Do?

Ther­mal shock is the process where a com­po­nent expe­ri­ences dras­tic changes in ther­mal stress­es and strains due to heat flux of the component’s tem­per­a­ture. As a result, ther­mal shock pro­duces cracks in the com­po­nents, usu­al­ly con­crete, so that it can still han­dle the heavy weight of com­mer­cial equip­ment or machin­ery with­out total fail­ure, but it opens the con­crete up to future issues.

Where Is Ther­mal Shock an Issue?

As we men­tioned above, it can hap­pen in any envi­ron­ment where the exist­ing tem­per­a­ture is exposed to extreme change. If you own or man­age a food or bev­er­age pro­cess­ing plant for exam­ple, where your floor­ing and walls are washed on a reg­u­lar basis, ther­mal shock can cause delam­i­na­tion issues. This is also a com­mon prob­lem in man­u­fac­tur­ing facilities!

Invest­ing in a ther­mal shock sys­tem is a wise choice, as they are designed to with­stand these major tem­per­a­ture swings with ease. Here at Kaloutas’s indus­tri­al floor­ing divi­sion, for exam­ple, we offer a com­plete line of con­tain­ment sys­tems with a seam­less tran­si­tion between the floor and wall. Depend­ing on your spe­cif­ic needs, we can cre­ate a cus­tom for­mu­la as well that is tai­lored exact­ly for you. For more prod­uct details, please vis­it our ther­mal shock ser­vice sum­ma­ry.

Do You Need an Indus­tri­al Floor­ing Expert in New England?

It would be our plea­sure to dis­cuss your needs and help you to build a plan that meets them per­fect­ly. Please don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us today and let us know how we can be of service!

Kaloutas is New Eng­land’s pre­mier con­trac­tor for com­mer­cial & indus­tri­al paint­ing, floor­ing, and relat­ed ser­vices. Estab­lished in 1987, Kaloutas has become a trust­ed resource for gen­er­al con­trac­tors, facil­i­ties man­agers, and build­ing own­ers from Con­necti­cut to Maine. Our team prides itself on high qual­i­ty work­man­ship, jobs done on time & bud­get, and tack­ling com­plex projects that oth­er con­trac­tors don’t have the expe­ri­ence or resources to han­dle. Con­tact us today for a paint­ing or floor­ing esti­mate, or give us a call at 9785321414 to learn more.

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