Will Concrete Polishing Take a Ton of Time to Complete? | Kaloutas

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Will Concrete Polishing Take a Ton of Time to Complete?

Concrete polished facility floor. Will Concrete Polishing Take a Ton of Time to Complete?

Pol­ish­ing can trans­form a dull, bare con­crete sur­face into a high-per­form­ing, sus­tain­able, and durable floor, but the process can con­sume a lot of time. In this arti­cle, we’ll talk about how long it takes to com­plete a con­crete pol­ish­ing project and every­thing else you must know about the technique. 

Answer­ing the Ques­tion — A Brief Overview of Con­crete Polishing

Learn­ing about con­crete pol­ish­ing basics can help you under­stand and esti­mate the amount of time con­trac­tors need to invest in the pro­ce­dure. So, before we dis­cuss how long it takes to pol­ish con­crete, here’s a brief overview of the process:

Con­crete pol­ish­ing is a mul­ti-step process used to make a con­crete sur­face smooth and glossy. Con­trac­tors will begin by prepar­ing the sur­face. They remove exist­ing coat­ings using dia­mond grinders with dia­mond-seg­ment­ed abra­sives. They then seal cracks and joints. After­ward, experts grind the sur­face to cre­ate a flat, lev­el sur­face with­out imperfections. 

Pol­ish­ing will start only when the con­crete floor has been prop­er­ly ground and den­si­fied. Con­trac­tors will also apply spe­cial chem­i­cals to achieve the best result, such as seal­ers and stains, to help pro­tect the pol­ished con­crete sur­face and make it eas­i­er to clean and maintain. 

Under­stand­ing the Time­frame for a Suc­cess­ful Con­crete Pol­ish­ing Project

Time is pre­cious in any facil­i­ty. Because pol­ish­ing con­crete involves sev­er­al steps, it con­sumes a lot of this valu­able resource. So, when con­sid­er­ing a pol­ished con­crete floor in a build­ing, facil­i­ty own­ers or man­agers should take into account the time­frame required by the project. 

Pol­ish­ing con­crete can take a few days to weeks, depend­ing on sev­er­al variables:

Con­crete Floor Size and Shape

The size and shape of your facility’s con­crete floor are among the fac­tors that deter­mine the amount of time need­ed to com­plete the process. Large spaces gen­er­al­ly require more time than small­er spaces, as there is more con­crete sur­face area to cover.

Desired Lev­el of Gloss

The lev­el of gloss you want on your floor will also affect the time and labor required in the pol­ish­ing process. If you want the floor to be extreme­ly shiny or reflec­tive, your con­trac­tor will like­ly need more time to accom­plish your desired gloss level.

Sur­face Condition

Con­trac­tors must pre­pare the con­crete sur­face and ensure it’s even and smooth before pol­ish­ing. Exist­ing con­crete floors with coat­ings or tiles gen­er­al­ly take more time to pre­pare than a new­ly poured con­crete slab. 

Each con­crete pol­ish­ing job is unique, with dif­fer­ent con­di­tions and chal­lenges. The only way to know how much time it will take to com­plete a pol­ish­ing project in your facil­i­ty is to con­sult professionals. 

Prepa­ra­tion Is Key — What Is Need­ed Before­hand to Ensure a Prompt and Qual­i­ty Job

The con­crete floor con­di­tion before pol­ish­ing will sig­nif­i­cant­ly impact the final result of the project, along with the time, labor, and tools required to com­plete the job. If you want a qual­i­ty pol­ished con­crete floor in a short amount of time, your cho­sen con­trac­tor should not cut cor­ners and still ensure prop­er prepa­ra­tion of the area. We’ve already touched on the prepa­ra­tion steps, but let’s dis­cuss it further.

Clean­ing the Exist­ing Con­crete Floor

Oil stains on the con­crete floor will inhib­it the pen­e­tra­tion of dyes, den­si­fiers, and stains used to pol­ish the sur­face. Hence, it is vital to remove them first using deter­gents, degreasers, or any sub­stance capa­ble of extract­ing dirt and oil stains. 

Remov­ing Exist­ing Coat­ings or Tiles

The con­crete floor sur­face should not have any coat­ing, adhe­sive, or tile before pol­ish­ing. If your con­crete floor has tiles, a spe­cial machine is usu­al­ly need­ed to scrape the mate­r­i­al off the con­crete sur­face. For adhe­sives, your con­trac­tor may use a chem­i­cal strip­ping agent or grind­ing equipment. 

Fix­ing Con­crete Floor Damage

Repair­ing any dam­age to the con­crete using appro­pri­ate prod­ucts and tools is cru­cial to ensure the pol­ished sur­face lasts longer. For chips, you can use a vari­ety of patch­ing com­pounds. For shal­low or minor flaws, you can use skim-coat material. 

Clean­ing and Fill­ing Joints

Clean­ing and fill­ing joints are nec­es­sary to reduce the chance of the joint edges spalling and chip­ping. It also keeps the sur­face aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing while pre­vent­ing dirt from accu­mu­lat­ing in the gaps and mak­ing it eas­i­er to clean. This process is best done at the begin­ning stages of the con­crete pol­ish­ing project.

Con­crete floor prepa­ra­tion is a whole process in itself. When the prepa­ra­tion work is done, the con­crete sur­face should be clean and even. It will be smooth but lack­ing any sheen. 

Ben­e­fits of Pro­fes­sion­al Con­crete Pol­ish­ers Over DIY Projects

When you need to get some­thing done in your facil­i­ty, you usu­al­ly hire an expert to han­dle the process. But in case you’re con­tem­plat­ing choos­ing the DIY path instead, you must first con­sid­er the ben­e­fits of leav­ing the task to pro­fes­sion­al con­crete polishers.

Access to Spe­cial­ized Equipment

Con­crete pol­ish­ing requires the use of many kinds of spe­cial­ized equip­ment, such as huge grinders that weigh upwards of a thou­sand pounds. These pieces of equip­ment are expen­sive, hard to trans­port, and need a spe­cial­ized pow­er sup­ply. It also comes with hav­ing to train your team to oper­ate the equip­ment prop­er­ly and safe­ly. But with pol­ished con­crete floor­ing con­trac­tors, you don’t need to wor­ry about all that because they are well-equipped with all the nec­es­sary con­crete pol­ish­ing machin­ery, tools, and knowledge.

Effi­cient Processes

Of course, you would want a con­crete pol­ish­ing project done fast with­out com­pro­mis­ing qual­i­ty. The more time pol­ish­ers spend on the process, the longer the down­time in your facil­i­ty. With a pro­fes­sion­al con­crete pol­ish­ing con­trac­tor, it’s pos­si­ble to com­plete the project in a time­ly man­ner. Peo­ple who pol­ish con­crete for a liv­ing know the prop­er tech­niques to fin­ish each step quickly.

Guar­an­tee Qual­i­ty Results

As pre­vi­ous­ly men­tioned, prop­er prepa­ra­tion is the key to achiev­ing qual­i­ty pol­ished con­crete. With­out suf­fi­cient knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence, it is easy to miss cru­cial steps before pol­ish­ing, such as iden­ti­fy­ing dam­age that needs to be fixed. Pro­fes­sion­al con­crete pol­ish­ers under­stand what must be done before they start pol­ish­ing the con­crete and know what it takes to achieve the best result.

Post-Pol­ish­ing Main­te­nance Tips to Keep Your Floors Look­ing Great Longer

Once con­crete pol­ish­ing is done, here are a few things you should do to keep the pol­ished floor in its best shape for longer:

  • Clean spills immediately

  • Use pH-neu­tral clean­ing solutions

  • Avoid using wax to keep the floor’s sheen

  • Sched­ule pro­fes­sion­al clean­ing and main­te­nance regularly

Wrap­ping Up With a Final Look at the Ben­e­fits of Con­crete Polishing

Pol­ished con­crete floors are a pop­u­lar floor­ing option for a rea­son. It’s durable, aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing, resis­tant to stain and slip, cost-effec­tive, and easy to main­tain. It also offers a vari­ety of col­or and tex­ture effects to sim­u­late the look of many dif­fer­ent mate­ri­als and match your building’s inte­ri­or. If prop­er­ly pol­ished, the floor can last for sev­er­al decades in even the harsh­est environment.

If you’re ready to get your con­crete floor pol­ished, you can count on Kaloutas. Our team pro­vides con­crete floor­ing instal­la­tion for facil­i­ties in var­i­ous indus­tries, and our con­crete floor­ing installers are cer­ti­fied in all phas­es of con­crete prepa­ra­tion and repairs. We also equip them with the lat­est tools and instal­la­tion tech­niques, so you can be sure to get qual­i­ty results every time.

Let Kaloutas take care of all your facil­i­ty’s floor­ing needs with one point of con­tact and one agreement.

Con­crete Pol­ish­ing FAQs

Is pol­ished con­crete expensive?

All the ben­e­fits of pol­ished con­crete come with a cost. Pol­ish­ing con­crete floors can cost thou­sands of dol­lars, depend­ing on where you live, the design you want, the type of pol­ish, and where to install the floor­ing. Nev­er­the­less, it is still cheap­er than marble.

What is pol­ished concrete?

Pol­ished con­crete is a high­ly durable and shiny floor­ing mate­r­i­al. Heavy-duty machines are used to grind down a con­crete sur­face to the pre­ferred lev­el of glow and smoothness. 

How long does it take to pol­ish concrete?

It can take a few days to weeks, depend­ing on many fac­tors, like the con­di­tion and size of the con­crete sur­face, the desired lev­el of sheen, and the skill of your contractor.

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