How Prepping and Polish Affect Concrete Flooring | Kaloutas

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How Prepping and Polish Affect Concrete Flooring

Newly polished concrete flooring How Prepping and Polish Affect Concrete Flooring

Your indus­tri­al oper­a­tion only works if your con­crete floors are in good health. While these floors are designed to with­stand much of the weight, move­ment, and impact that comes with any indus­tri­al facil­i­ty, they will wear down over time. If you begin to notice cracks, stains, peel­ing lay­ers, or oth­er forms of dam­age, you have sev­er­al options for con­crete floor repair. For some facil­i­ties, prop­er pol­ish­ing and sur­face treat­ment might be the right solution. 

Con­crete pol­ish­ing refers to the process by which dia­mond grinders even­ly remove a small amount of the upper lay­er of con­crete. Then the floor is treat­ed with a sil­i­cate-based den­si­fi­er for increased hard­ness. This process of pol­ish­ing and treat­ing your floors yields sev­er­al ben­e­fits, both prac­ti­cal and aes­thet­ic. Let’s fur­ther explore how prep­ping and pol­ish affect con­crete flooring.

The Ben­e­fits of Floor Prep and Polishing

Makes Main­te­nance Easier

When con­crete floors are pol­ished and treat­ed, they’re eas­i­er to main­tain and clean. The sil­i­cate-based sur­face treat­ments keep the con­crete from dust­ing. Best of all, pol­ished con­crete floors don’t require wax­ing, buff­ing, or strip­ping. The only reg­u­lar main­te­nance you have to con­sid­er is rou­tine clean­ing, which is easy to per­form on the smooth, glossy sur­face. And as long as you keep your pol­ished floors clean, they will last you a long time.

Increas­es Dura­bil­i­ty and Longevity

By pol­ish­ing and treat­ing your con­crete floors, you’re also increas­ing their dura­bil­i­ty. Pol­ish­ing removes small imper­fec­tions that can lead to fur­ther dam­age and dete­ri­o­ra­tion. You’re left with the stur­dy bare con­crete. The den­si­fi­er hard­ens the slab. With guard prod­ucts and oth­er treat­ments like our Max Defense sys­tem we can help pre­vent most chem­i­cals and mate­ri­als from dam­ag­ing the floors. If you want your con­crete floors to last and avoid reg­u­lar repairs, con­crete floor pol­ish­ing is a pow­er­ful solution.

Leaves an Impres­sive Shine

Last­ly, pol­ished con­crete floors are aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing. With­out the need for epoxy or oth­er types of con­crete floor seal­er, your floors can main­tain a beau­ti­ful, pris­tine shine that leaves a great impres­sion on guests. And even if the sur­face looks slip­pery, pol­ished con­crete meets or exceeds ADA require­ments for slip resis­tance. If you take pride in your indus­tri­al or com­mer­cial facil­i­ty, pol­ish­ing and prep­ping your con­crete floors deliv­ers daz­zling results.

Hire Expert Con­crete Pol­ish­ing Contractors

Prop­er con­crete floor pol­ish­ing requires state of the art equip­ment and knowl­edge­able per­son­nel. This isn’t the type of project just any­one can or should do. So, if you think pol­ish­ing your con­crete floors is the way to go, reach out to indus­tri­al floor­ing experts with plen­ty of experience. 

The experts at Kaloutas Paint­ing spe­cial­ize in all types of con­crete floor repair, resur­fac­ing, and replace­ment. Whether you own or man­age a ware­house, fac­to­ry, or com­mer­cial facil­i­ty, if your floors need atten­tion, we can find and deliv­er the right solu­tion. More specif­i­cal­ly, we can help you deter­mine if con­crete pol­ish­ing is the best option for you. To learn more about us and all that we do, con­tact us here and give us a call at 9785321414.

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