Your cleanroom is a sensitive area where critical, even life saving work takes place. When it comes to maintaining and upgrading your cleanroom, you need a commercial painting company that understands the delicate work that you do. The painting contractors at Kaloutas adhere to strict ISO guidelines and are highly trained to handle detailed painting work. When working in a cleanroom environment, we pay close attention to chemical levels and VOCs in the products we use as well as the painting process at hand.
Read on to learn more about how Kaloutas can simplify and streamline your cleanroom painting project.
What to Expect from Laboratory Cleanroom Painting
The Cleanroom Painting Process
The process for painting your cleanroom depends on the level of particles per cubic meter allowed in your space. The lowest level of cleanroom is 100,000 or ISO 9, and the most controlled is a level 1, necessitating detailed procedures for entering and exiting. Whatever the demands of your cleanroom, our painting contractors will work to use processes and products that meet your needs.
The Best Industrial Painting Products For Your Cleanroom
When it comes to the best coating for your cleanroom walls, floors, and equipment, epoxy paint is the industry standard recommended for cleanrooms. Before we pick up a brush, we need to understand the work you do and select the best products to meet your needs. We carry several options of cleanroom specific epoxy paint with VOC levels that comply with your particle standards.
Learn More About Working With Kaloutas
Facility Maintenance Services
Once the painting work is done, we don’t want to walk away forever. Our passion lies in building and maintaining working maintenace relationships with our clients. Once we understand the needs of your facility and cleanroom, we can do regular work and inspections to help you maintain excellence and protection in your paint and coatings.
The Kaloutas Difference
Not only do we pride ourselves on ongoing maintenance relationships, we center our work around meeting our clients’ scheduling needs. Our crew can work nights and weekends or during scheduled shutdowns to minimize downtime or avoid shutdowns altogether.
How Can Our Company Serve Yours?
The painting contractors at Kaloutas have more than 30 years of experience serving the commercial and industrial facilities of New England. We operate out of five locations in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire, and have a large, scalable crew that can be tailored to your project needs. Give us a call at 978−532−1414 to learn more about what we can do or click here to contact our painting contractors online.
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