Here’s How to Implement Year Round Industrial Cleaning and Maintenance of Your Facility No Matter How Large

Your industrial facility can’t afford to undergo sudden shutdowns or hazards. Keeping up with facility cleaning and maintenance is essential to keep your people safe and your operations running smoothly. Of course, the very processes required to prevent your facility from breaking down can interfere with your workflow. Moreover, finding the right contractor(s) to tackle industrial cleaning and maintenance at a reasonable rate and according to your schedule is no walk in the park. At Kaloutas, our goal is to streamline this entire equation for our clients as much as possible. No matter how large or complex your facility may be, we offer comprehensive industrial cleaning and maintenance services year-round — here’s how.
What to Know About Our Industrial Cleaning Services
Resources: We Have a Large Team
Quality may be more important than quantity, but a lack of personnel will leave parts of your facility unattended. Since our inception in 1987, Kaloutas has significantly expanded its workforce and territory. Today, we have the infrastructure and workforce to handle industrial cleaning and maintenance projects of all types and sizes. With such an abundance of resources, we can deploy specialized teams to various locations when they’re needed, no matter the time of year. This reliability provides our customers with peace of mind, knowing that we can always handle their cleaning and maintenance needs.
Knowledge: We Handle a Wide Variety of Maintenance Tasks Under One Roof
Industrial facility maintenance includes a range of services: painting, cleaning, flooring, repairs, lubrication, and much more. Many of these tasks require specialized knowledge and specific equipment to accomplish properly and efficiently. Screening and hiring disparate contractors to handle these various duties is not only inefficient — it can lead to scheduling conflicts, misunderstandings, inordinate expenses, and other unforeseen problems. Fortunately, Kaloutas is equipped to perform a broad spectrum of facility maintenance tasks to the highest standard of quality. Our people are well-trained, experienced, and highly knowledgeable. Whether you’re in need of industrial painting, concrete floor restoration, concrete flooring repair, fireproofing, inspection preparation, etc., Kaloutas has you covered.
Process: We Prioritize Programs, Not Projects
Our ability to tackle large-scale maintenance projects year-round isn’t just due to our extensive workforce or breadth of services — it’s also a testament to our process. For every client we serve, we implement a program-centric model rather than a project-focused one. The difference between “program” and “project” is subtle but significant. The project mindset is about looking at each maintenance task as its own separate entity, whereas the program mindset is about creating a systematic approach to facility maintenance. By sticking with a custom maintenance program, facility managers can better oversee scheduling, pricing, communication, workflow details, documentation standards, safety protocols, and more. Kaloutas achieves these optimal programs by constantly adapting to customer needs — we work the way you work.
Our Word: We Stick by our “No Work Stoppage Guarantee”
Lastly, Kaloutas is committed to caring for your facility without obstructing your space or interfering with your operations and personnel. We call this commitment our “No Work Stoppage Guarantee,” and we take it as seriously as our clients do. This guarantee means that we develop a program (with your input) that prevents our work from creating unnecessary delays — this might mean our teams have to work late or during odd hours, but that’s the deal. As such, you won’t ever have to worry about how to operate during a shutdown, because we’ll do our best to prevent that from occurring in the first place.
Kaloutas has the resources, knowledge, process, and commitment to keep your industrial facility in great shape no matter what. To learn more about us and all that we do, contact us online or give us a call at 978−532−1414 today.