How to Handle Industrial Concrete Flooring Repairs | Kaloutas

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How to Tackle Industrial Concrete Flooring Repairs in a Heavily Trafficked Facility

New commercial floors How to Tackle Industrial Concrete Flooring Repairs in a Heavily Trafficked Facility

Tak­ing care of your indus­tri­al floor­ing can be a real Catch-22.” On the one hand, you need to keep your floors in good shape to main­tain smooth, safe oper­a­tions — on the oth­er hand, the more active your facil­i­ty, the more dif­fi­cult it is to access your floors for extend­ed peri­ods of time. You can’t put off nec­es­sary floor repairs for too long, but you don’t want floor main­te­nance to severe­ly cut into your bot­tom line, either. So, what’s the solu­tion to this dilem­ma? Sim­ply put: tim­ing, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, approach, and pro­fes­sion­al service.

Here’s how to tack­le indus­tri­al con­crete floor­ing repairs in high-traf­fic facil­i­ties with­out inter­fer­ing with oper­a­tions or caus­ing downtime.

How to Han­dle Indus­tri­al Con­crete Floor Repairs

Sched­ule Ser­vices Strategically

Even the busiest facil­i­ties see peri­ods where oper­a­tions slow down or tem­porar­i­ly come to a halt; depend­ing on how your busi­ness oper­ates, this could be overnight, dur­ing week­ends, spe­cif­ic days of the year, etc. What­ev­er the case, if you do have planned down­time in the future, it’s best to tack­le ren­o­va­tions and repairs dur­ing those times, includ­ing con­crete floor­ing projects. This way, you and the floor­ing con­trac­tors you hire won’t have to wor­ry about heavy traf­fic and can instead focus on get­ting the job done right so things run smooth­ly when you get things back up and running.

Keep Occu­pants in the Loop Before, Dur­ing, and After Floor­ing Projects

Regard­less of who’s around dur­ing indus­tri­al floor repairs, it’s imper­a­tive to ensure they know what’s hap­pen­ing through­out the process. Fail­ing to com­mu­ni­cate the nature, dura­tion, and details of a floor repair project to all rel­e­vant per­son­nel can lead to con­fu­sion, acci­dents, injuries, set­backs, and more. For exam­ple, indus­tri­al floor coat­ings can take hours or up to two days to ful­ly cure — if your employ­ees, guests, and cus­tomers aren’t aware of these mat­ters, they may end up ruin­ing a por­tion of these new coat­ings. Apply­ing ware­house floor mark­ings, send­ing out mem­os, and post­ing clear sig­nage through­out your facil­i­ty can help delin­eate work areas and keep every­one apprised of the cur­rent project.

Break Up Indus­tri­al Floor­ing Repair Projects

Some­times it’s more prac­ti­cal and cost-effec­tive to get an entire project done in one fell swoop. When it comes to fix­ing floors in high-traf­fic facil­i­ties, how­ev­er, a bet­ter approach might be to tack­le one area of a floor at a time. Rather than block off an entire aisle due to repairs, you might con­tain a spec­i­fied area to keep inter­fer­ence and down­time to a min­i­mum. Once that sec­tion is com­plete, you can do the same for anoth­er part of your floor. This approach is sim­i­lar to road con­struc­tion and repairs, where one lane is tem­porar­i­ly closed off to allow traf­fic to flow (albeit at a slow­er rate) while work continues.

Work with Reli­able Con­crete Floor­ing Contractors

Effi­cien­cy is key when ren­o­vat­ing your high-traf­fic facility’s floor­ing. Even if you man­age to sched­ule ser­vices dur­ing down­time or break up the project accord­ing­ly, you want the process to move along quick­ly with­out sac­ri­fic­ing qual­i­ty results. This is where floor­ing experts like Kaloutas come in. Not only do our floor­ing con­trac­tors over­see a vari­ety of ser­vices across indus­tries — we also use the most effi­cient process­es and mod­ern equip­ment to min­i­mize down­time and pre­vent work stop­pages. In oth­er words, we work the way you do!

To learn more about us and all that we do, con­tact us online or give us a call at 9785321414 today.

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