Kaloutas Acquires Epoxy Floor New England | Kaloutas

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Kaloutas Acquires Epoxy Floor New England

Jim Kaloutas, Brandon Borghi, and Derek Borghi standing in front of an Epoxy Floor New England truck and a Kaloutas truck. Kaloutas Acquires Epoxy Floor New England

Expand­ing Our Floor­ing Solu­tions Leadership

We are excit­ed to announce that Kaloutas has offi­cial­ly acquired Epoxy Floor New Eng­land, a lead­ing spe­cial­ist in floor­ing solu­tions head­quar­tered in Laco­nia, NH. This marks a sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone in our com­mit­ment to pro­vid­ing com­pre­hen­sive indus­tri­al and com­mer­cial floor­ing ser­vices and fur­ther cements our over­ar­ch­ing goal to make hard work eas­i­er for our cus­tomers. The acqui­si­tion of Epoxy Floor New Eng­land brings togeth­er two lead­ers in the floor­ing indus­try under one roof.

Ben­e­fits for Our Customers

At Kaloutas, we’ve always been ded­i­cat­ed to pro­vid­ing seam­less solu­tions that meet our cus­tomers’ needs. By acquir­ing Epoxy Floor New Eng­land, we’re enhanc­ing our floor­ing exper­tise to serve you bet­ter. Whether it’s epoxy, pol­ished con­crete, or oth­er advanced floor­ing sys­tems, this acqui­si­tion strength­ens our abil­i­ty to deliv­er durable, high-qual­i­­ty results for your facilities.

  • Increased Exper­tise: Ben­e­fit from the com­bined knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence of both com­pa­nies’ skilled professionals.

  • Improved Effi­cien­cy: Stream­lined process­es and resources for faster project com­ple­tion and reduced downtime.

  • Enhanced Inno­va­tion: Greater invest­ment in research and devel­op­ment for cut­t­ing-edge floor­ing technologies.

A Word from Our Leadership

In my 37 years of lead­ing this busi­ness, I have learned that con­tin­u­ous growth is essen­tial. Growth not only opens doors for our orga­ni­za­tion but also cre­ates invalu­able oppor­tu­ni­ties for our team mem­bers. There is noth­ing more reward­ing than see­ing our peo­ple advance in their careers. This acqui­si­tion will enhance oppor­tu­ni­ties for both our team and the tal­ent­ed indi­vid­u­als at Epoxy Floor New Eng­land, fos­ter­ing an envi­ron­ment where every­one can thrive and devel­op their skills. Togeth­er, we will build a brighter future. — Jim Kaloutas, Pres­i­dent and Founder, Kaloutas

Wel­com­ing Epoxy Floor New England

We are excit­ed to wel­come the tal­ent­ed team from Epoxy Floor New Eng­land to the Kaloutas fam­i­ly. Their rep­u­ta­tion for excel­lence and cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion aligned per­fect­ly with our core values. 

Epoxy Floor New Eng­land began in a small trail­er, built on hard work and a com­mit­ment to qual­i­ty, and now we’re proud to merge with Kaloutas, a leader in the indus­try. We made this deci­sion to take care of our peo­ple, giv­ing our team more oppor­tu­ni­ties, bet­ter ben­e­fits, and room to grow along­side a com­pa­ny that shares our val­ues. Togeth­er, we’ll con­tin­ue expand­ing our com­mer­cial pres­ence while offer­ing paint­ing and fire­proof­ing ser­vices to our exist­ing and future clients. — Bran­don Borghi, CEO, Epoxy Floor New England

Look­ing Ahead

As we inte­grate Epoxy Floor New Eng­land into our oper­a­tions, our cus­tomers can expect the same high lev­el of ser­vice they’ve come to trust from Kaloutas. We remain com­mit­ted to deliv­er­ing top-qual­i­­ty floor­ing solu­tions that meet the high­est stan­dards of dura­bil­i­ty, safe­ty, and aesthetics.

Kaloutas and Epoxy Floor New England Group Photo - Laconia, NH Kaloutas Acquires Epoxy Floor New England

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Kaloutas simplifies facility management by offering comprehensive services including industrial flooring, cleaning, coating, fireproofing, and containment. We streamline your operations, ensuring compliance, safety, and aesthetics while reducing complexity in the process. Our Hard Work Made Easy solution eliminates the need for multiple contractors, guaranteeing minimal downtime and expert execution. With over 30 years of experience, we make facility maintenance effortless. Contact us to discover how we can meet your needs and save you time through our consolidated approach.

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