Top 4 Reasons Your Multi-Use Building Needs Acoustic… | Kaloutas

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Top 4 Reasons Your Multi-Use Building Needs Acoustic Insulation

Commercial ceiling with acoustic insulation. Top 4 Reasons Your Multi-Use Building Needs Acoustic Insulation

When we talk about insu­la­tion, we’re often talk­ing about ther­mal insu­la­tion (R‑value) – that is, meth­ods and mate­ri­als that inter­rupt the trans­fer of heat between objects or areas (e.g., the out­side envi­ron­ment and a building’s inte­ri­or). Heat isn’t the only fac­tor to con­sid­er when insu­lat­ing your facil­i­ty, how­ev­er. Sound waves can also quick­ly trav­el from one place to the next, mak­ing for a nois­i­er inte­ri­or. Acoustic insu­la­tion inter­feres with this trans­fer of vibra­tional ener­gy, increas­ing a building’s noise reduc­tion coef­fi­cient (NRC), so noise has a hard­er time com­ing in or going out. 

If you share a build­ing with oth­er busi­ness­es, main­tain­ing a high NRC is cru­cial for your ongo­ing safe­ty, secu­ri­ty, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and com­fort. Here are four cru­cial rea­sons your mul­ti-use build­ing needs to install high-qual­i­ty acoustic insu­la­tion.

Four Rea­sons Your Mul­ti-Use Build­ing Needs Acoustic Insulation

1. Min­i­mize Work­place Distractions

The pri­ma­ry appeal of acoustic insu­la­tion instal­la­tion is to keep out­side sounds from enter­ing your work­place. It’s a loud world out there, espe­cial­ly if your mul­ti-use build­ing is smack dab in the mid­dle of a bustling city. Even if your facil­i­ty is in a rel­a­tive­ly remote envi­ron­ment, you’ll have to deal with rever­ber­a­tions, echoes, occa­sion­al (or fre­quent) air­plane, traf­fic sounds, and, of course, any loud nois­es com­ing from those shar­ing your build­ing. Not only are these sounds annoy­ing – they can also cre­ate dis­trac­tions that make for a more haz­ardous work envi­ron­ment. When peo­ple can’t hear what they or any­one else is doing, the risk of acci­dents goes way up. By reduc­ing the influx of out­side sounds, acoustic insu­la­tion cre­ates a safer and more pro­duc­tive workplace.

2. Max­i­mize Privacy

Keep in mind that insu­la­tion is a two-way street. When you insu­late your facil­i­ty, ener­gy doesn’t just have a hard­er time get­ting in – it also strug­gles to get out. Put sim­ply, deck­ing out your building’s inte­ri­or spaces with acoustic floor/​ceiling assem­bly insu­la­tion and wall insu­la­tion, etc., will boost your building’s over­all lev­el of pri­va­cy. When sound can’t leak from your space to the one next door, you don’t have to wor­ry about any­one out­side your work­place hear­ing sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion (they can share the same peace of mind, too). This ulti­mate­ly results in a more secure and trust­ing facil­i­ty for every­one inside.

3. Improve Inte­ri­or Communication.

A qui­eter inte­ri­or envi­ron­ment is also primed for bet­ter com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Loud dis­trac­tions make it hard­er to com­mu­ni­cate ver­bal­ly or hear what any­one else has to say. Poor com­mu­ni­ca­tion takes a toll on pro­duc­tiv­i­ty while also rais­ing safe­ty con­cerns. Insu­lat­ing your facil­i­ty for greater noise reduc­tion allows per­son­nel to hear each oth­er more eas­i­ly, cre­at­ing a more stream­lined and safe environment.

4. Keep Ther­mal Trans­fer in Check, Too

As men­tioned ear­li­er, there are two types of insu­la­tion to keep in mind: ther­mal and acoustic. If you’re won­der­ing, How well does acoustic insu­la­tion work?” con­sid­er that the best acoustic insu­la­tion also has ther­mal prop­er­ties. Indeed, spray-applied fiber­glass ther­mal-acoustic insu­la­tion pro­vides the best of both worlds, help­ing facil­i­ties meet or exceed the insu­la­tion R‑values (how well a facil­i­ty resists heat flow) and NRC val­ues of oth­er com­mon­ly used fiber­glass or cel­lu­lose prod­ucts. As a result, this spray acoustic insu­la­tion won’t just keep noise to a min­i­mum – it will also cul­ti­vate a more com­fort­able and ener­gy-effi­cient work­place year-round.

Read our pre­vi­ous blog, The Pros of Fiber­glass-Based and Spray-Applied Ther­mal Acousti­cal Insu­la­tion.”

Let Kaloutas Insu­late Your Mul­ti-Use Build­ing from Both Noise and Heat Transfer

In 2020, Kaloutas wel­comed a full-scale fire­proof­ing, and ther­mal acoustic divi­sion to round out our indus­tri­al paint­ing and floor­ing groups. We work the way you do to max­i­mize safe­ty and min­i­mize down­time. To learn more about us and all that we do, con­tact us online or give us a call at 9785321414 today!

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