Top 4 Reasons Your Multi-Use Building Needs Acoustic Insulation
When we talk about insulation, we’re often talking about thermal insulation (R‑value) – that is, methods and materials that interrupt the transfer of heat between objects or areas (e.g., the outside environment and a building’s interior). Heat isn’t the only factor to consider when insulating your facility, however. Sound waves can also quickly travel from one place to the next, making for a noisier interior. Acoustic insulation interferes with this transfer of vibrational energy, increasing a building’s noise reduction coefficient (NRC), so noise has a harder time coming in or going out.
If you share a building with other businesses, maintaining a high NRC is crucial for your ongoing safety, security, communication, and comfort. Here are four crucial reasons your multi-use building needs to install high-quality acoustic insulation.
Four Reasons Your Multi-Use Building Needs Acoustic Insulation
1. Minimize Workplace Distractions
The primary appeal of acoustic insulation installation is to keep outside sounds from entering your workplace. It’s a loud world out there, especially if your multi-use building is smack dab in the middle of a bustling city. Even if your facility is in a relatively remote environment, you’ll have to deal with reverberations, echoes, occasional (or frequent) airplane, traffic sounds, and, of course, any loud noises coming from those sharing your building. Not only are these sounds annoying – they can also create distractions that make for a more hazardous work environment. When people can’t hear what they or anyone else is doing, the risk of accidents goes way up. By reducing the influx of outside sounds, acoustic insulation creates a safer and more productive workplace.
2. Maximize Privacy
Keep in mind that insulation is a two-way street. When you insulate your facility, energy doesn’t just have a harder time getting in – it also struggles to get out. Put simply, decking out your building’s interior spaces with acoustic floor/ceiling assembly insulation and wall insulation, etc., will boost your building’s overall level of privacy. When sound can’t leak from your space to the one next door, you don’t have to worry about anyone outside your workplace hearing sensitive information (they can share the same peace of mind, too). This ultimately results in a more secure and trusting facility for everyone inside.
3. Improve Interior Communication.
A quieter interior environment is also primed for better communication. Loud distractions make it harder to communicate verbally or hear what anyone else has to say. Poor communication takes a toll on productivity while also raising safety concerns. Insulating your facility for greater noise reduction allows personnel to hear each other more easily, creating a more streamlined and safe environment.
4. Keep Thermal Transfer in Check, Too
As mentioned earlier, there are two types of insulation to keep in mind: thermal and acoustic. If you’re wondering, “How well does acoustic insulation work?” consider that the best acoustic insulation also has thermal properties. Indeed, spray-applied fiberglass thermal-acoustic insulation provides the best of both worlds, helping facilities meet or exceed the insulation R‑values (how well a facility resists heat flow) and NRC values of other commonly used fiberglass or cellulose products. As a result, this spray acoustic insulation won’t just keep noise to a minimum – it will also cultivate a more comfortable and energy-efficient workplace year-round.
Read our previous blog, “The Pros of Fiberglass-Based and Spray-Applied Thermal Acoustical Insulation.”
Let Kaloutas Insulate Your Multi-Use Building from Both Noise and Heat Transfer
In 2020, Kaloutas welcomed a full-scale fireproofing, and thermal acoustic division to round out our industrial painting and flooring groups. We work the way you do to maximize safety and minimize downtime. To learn more about us and all that we do, contact us online or give us a call at 978−532−1414 today!