While concrete is a strong and easy-care surface, your facility’s concrete isn’t stagnant or without maintenance needs. In fact, moisture and air pressure can have a profound effect on your concrete flooring. Without a properly installed concrete moisture barrier and moisture mitigation, your concrete flooring may exhibit cracking, bubbling, and pinholing. And without proper floor cleaning and care, your coatings can wear thin and fail. To avoid this, educate yourself on concrete floor coating proper care techniques.
Read on for 5 reasons you need to be proactive about concrete care and maintenance.
5 Reasons To Care For Your Concrete
Moisture Damage Prevention
Moisture remediation is essential to concrete flooring maintenance and care. Installing the right moisture barrier from the get-go, or having professional flooring contractors install a moisture remediation system is an essential part of concrete flooring care.
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire can bring some rough weather our way. Without proper care, salt, water, and the elements of daily use can diminish the strength and aesthetic appeal of your concrete coatings. With proper professional grade maintenance you can preserve the natural beauty of your floors.
The strength of your floors relies on simple care and maintenance as well as moisture mitigation. Just because concrete is an easy-care surface, it doesn’t mean that it should be ignored and uncared for. Protect your investment by preserving the strength of your floors.
Cost Effectiveness
An ounce of prevention is days of concrete repair work. To save money and boost your business, invest in routine flooring and preventative maintenance rather than costly, last-minute repair work.
Concrete Sealer Maintenance
Simple maintenance such as wax and gentle cleansers can prolong the life of your polished and sealed concrete floors. If you make these easy investments in cleaning and care, your concrete floors will continue to serve you well year after year.
Concrete Flooring Services
Learn More About Proper Concrete Repair and Maintenance
A lasting concrete floor starts with smart and effective concrete prep and concrete repair. The flooring pros at Kaloutas’s industrial flooring division understand the ins and outs of concrete flooring from the ground up, making us the clear choice for your industrial flooring needs.
Preventative Maintenance From Kaloutas
As a busy building owner and facility manager, you need a team of experts on your side. With preventative maintenance services from Kaloutas, our team can spot issues before they start, scheduling repairs around your schedule and saving you money every step of the way.
How Can We Help With Concrete Care?
Do you have questions about your New England concrete flooring? Give us a call at 978−532−1414 and one of our industrial flooring contractors can answer all your questions, or click here to contact us online and take the first step to better concrete flooring care.