When it comes to commercial painting and industrial flooring, we don’t believe in covering up damage with a fresh coat of paint or a new flooring installation. If concrete damage or rust lurks beneath the surface, it won’t stay attractive or functional for long. Rust is not only unsightly, it eats at and corrodes the metal in your New England industrial facility, compromising the safety and stability of your space.
The professional painting contractors at Kaloutas can be trusted to to remove rust and damage before applying new coatings, using products and techniques that enhance your space and stop rust from returning.
What We Do to Prevent Rust
Rust Encapsulation
Proper prep work is the foundation of any lasting painting or industrial flooring job. When rust has made a home on your metal surfaces, it must be removed and blasted away to stop it from spreading. To do this, our team uses sponge blasting and other removal techniques to eliminate existing rust. Once the surface is clean and rust-free, we can apply customized preventative coatings to protect and enhance your industrial facility.
Rust Prevention
Once rust is removed, we focus our efforts on preventing its return using commercial painting techniques and products designed to prevent rust such as DTM (Direct to Metal) and electrostatic painting. These techniques are often used in commercial spaces and on industrial equipment to preserve the surfaces and minimize mess and containment.
Rust Remediation On The Eastern Seaboard
Eliminating Rooftop Corrosion in Lynn, MA
This Lynn, MA aerospace manufacturer was headed for structural corrosion on their roof due to rust. Our team worked with their engineers to stop rust and re-coat the surfaces with rust prevention products.
Industrial Tank Painting And Rust Removal
These rusty industrial tanks in Salem, MA were in a sad state upon our arrival, but after a weekend of time-sensitive hard work, they were restored and rust free. Click above to check out this industrial transformation.
Painting Rusty Shipping Containers for Whole Foods
When a local grocery store wanted to restore steel shipping containers for outside vendor use, we stepped in to remove rust and apply precision painting. Click the link to check out this innovative repurposing with precision painting and rust elimination techniques.
Let’s Talk About Eliminating Your Rust
If rust is an issue in your facility, give us a call at 978−532−1414 or click here to contact us online before the damage and decay worsens. The longer you pretend rust doesn’t exist, the more time you allow it to damage your metal surfaces. We serve clients across the Eastern Seaboard including Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and the Greater Boston Area. Our expansive team is ready to clean and restore your surface on your unique timetable.