The Top 6 Must-Haves to Solve Your Industrial Flooring… | Kaloutas

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Here are the Top 6 Must-Haves to Solve Your Industrial Flooring Problems

Kaloutas contractor repairing industrial floor Here are the Top 6 Must-Haves to Solve Your Industrial Flooring Problems

Your facility’s floor­ing is in many ways the unsung hero of your busi­ness, pro­vid­ing sup­port for your employ­ees and machin­ery. Indeed, it’s easy to take indus­tri­al floor­ing for grant­ed, but once there’s an issue, your entire oper­a­tion may be affect­ed. Com­mon floor­ing prob­lems include frac­tur­ing, spalling, blis­ter­ing, peel­ing, dis­col­oration, warp­ing, and more. If neglect­ed, these prob­lems can become larg­er and more dif­fi­cult to resolve. This is why it’s so impor­tant to have the resources and strate­gies in place to pre­vent indus­tri­al floor­ing prob­lems and fix them when they occur.

The Best Ways to Solve Indus­tri­al Floor Options

1. A Rig­or­ous Main­te­nance Routine

There is no short­age of indus­tri­al floor­ing options out there in terms of mate­ri­als, aes­thet­ics, instal­la­tion meth­ods, etc. That said, every type of floor­ing has at least one thing in com­mon: they all require reg­u­lar main­te­nance — that is, if you want your floors to last as long as pos­si­ble and look their best while doing it. Indus­tri­al floor main­te­nance includes tasks such as dai­ly sweep­ing, mop­ping, and/​or vac­u­um­ing, sched­uled deep clean­ings and inspec­tions, etc. Sim­ply put, keep­ing your floors clean and fre­quent­ly check­ing them for minor issues will keep them from falling apart.

2. A Well-Con­trolled Climate

Aside from typ­i­cal wear and tear from foot traf­fic and machin­ery, the major­i­ty of indus­tri­al floor­ing prob­lems stem from cli­mate-relat­ed mat­ters. Humid­i­ty and heat are the pri­ma­ry cul­prits here. Mois­ture from below the sub­strate can cause floors to delam­i­nate, and fluc­tu­at­ing tem­per­a­tures cause floors to expand and con­tract. So, if the con­di­tions of your facility’s inte­ri­ors are not well con­trolled, your floors will suf­fer as a result, open­ing the door­way for fur­ther prob­lems. Con­verse­ly, a bal­anced inter­nal cli­mate increas­es the sta­bil­i­ty of your floors.

3. Prop­er­ly Marked Floors

Stur­dy indus­tri­al floors are meant to help peo­ple get from point A to point B on the job. How­ev­er, if said floors are dif­fi­cult to nav­i­gate, var­i­ous prob­lems are bound to occur. For one thing, dull, dim­ly-lit floors are safe­ty haz­ards, con­tribut­ing to slips and falls. Addi­tion­al­ly, poor­ly-marked floors can make it dif­fi­cult for work­ers to know where it’s opti­mal or safe to walk or oper­ate machin­ery. These prob­lems speak to the impor­tance of both floor vis­i­bil­i­ty and indus­tri­al floor mark­ing. Keep­ing your floors clean and enhanc­ing your facility’s light­ing will increase over­all vis­i­bil­i­ty, and main­tain­ing clear floor mark­ings to sep­a­rate areas and guide per­son­nel will min­i­mize acci­dents and injuries.

4. The Right Equipment

In most cas­es, solv­ing any prob­lem requires the right tools — at the very least, hav­ing the right tools on hand can make life much eas­i­er. And when it comes to find­ing indus­tri­al floor­ing solu­tions, hav­ing the right equip­ment is a must. You’ll want access to state-of-the-art grinders, bur­nish­ers, high-pow­ered vac­u­ums, scrub­bers, sweep­ers — the list goes on. These tools facil­i­tate floor main­te­nance and help pre­pare floors for renovation.

5. Prop­er Pro­tec­tive Coatings

Even the best floors are sus­cep­ti­ble to dam­age. That said, the more you can do to pro­tect your floors from said harm, the bet­ter. You’ll have much few­er prob­lems to solve if said prob­lems don’t occur in the first place. This is where indus­tri­al floor cov­er­ings come in. Prop­er­ly seal­ing your floors is more than mere­ly an aes­thet­ic endeav­or — a well-sealed floor is pro­tect­ed from mois­ture, chem­i­cals, impact, ther­mal shock, microor­gan­isms, and more. 

6. A Reli­able Pro­fes­sion­al Floor­ing Partner

The five must-haves out­lined above are key to solv­ing your indus­tri­al floor­ing prob­lems, but stay­ing on top of them all can be a chal­lenge. For instance, it’s one thing to say you need the right equip­ment, but it’s anoth­er to invest in it and learn how to prop­er­ly use it. If floor main­te­nance and pro­tec­tion is out of your pro­fes­sion­al purview, the best thing you can do is find a reli­able indus­tri­al floor­ing con­trac­tor to care for your floors. Here at Kaloutas, we have the resources, tools, and knowl­edge to install, repair, replace, pro­tect, main­tain, and improve all types of indus­tri­al floor­ing, includ­ing con­crete floor­ing and epoxy floor­ing. So, if you’re hav­ing indus­tri­al floor­ing prob­lems, our team can pro­vide the solu­tion and so much more.

To learn more about and all that we do, con­tact us online or give us a call at 9785321414.

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Kaloutas simplifies facility management by offering comprehensive services including industrial flooring, cleaning, coating, fireproofing, and containment. We streamline your operations, ensuring compliance, safety, and aesthetics while reducing complexity in the process. Our Hard Work Made Easy solution eliminates the need for multiple contractors, guaranteeing minimal downtime and expert execution. With over 30 years of experience, we make facility maintenance effortless. Contact us to discover how we can meet your needs and save you time through our consolidated approach.

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