6 Benefits of Polished Concrete for Workspace Flooring | Kaloutas

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6 Benefits of Polished Concrete for Workspace Flooring

 6 Benefits of Polished Concrete for Workspace Flooring

Why Your Com­mer­cial Space Should Uti­lize Con­crete Polishing

No mat­ter what kind of facil­i­ty you run, you want floors that can with­stand all of your dai­ly oper­a­tions and look great doing it. And with every­thing on your plate, you don’t want to spend too much time wor­ry­ing about floor main­te­nance or facil­i­ty shut-downs. Pol­ished con­crete floors can deliv­er on all these counts and more. Let’s go over six major ben­e­fits of choos­ing pol­ished con­crete for your work­space flooring.

1. Makes Main­te­nance Easier

Every type of floor requires some degree of main­te­nance, includ­ing pol­ished con­crete floors. How­ev­er, this floor­ing option is rel­a­tive­ly eas­i­er to take care of than most oth­ers. The con­crete floor pol­ish­ing process grinds the con­crete down into a smooth, glossy sur­face that nev­er needs buff­ing, wax­ing, or strip­ping. The only real main­te­nance required is reg­u­lar dry mop­ping and washing. 

2. Increas­es Durability

You might think that, log­i­cal­ly, grind­ing down your con­crete floors would make them weak­er and more sus­cep­ti­ble to dam­age. On the con­trary, the pol­ish­ing process increas­es your floor’s dura­bil­i­ty. After the grind­ing itself is com­plete, the floors are treat­ed with a lithi­um-sil­i­cate-based con­crete den­si­fi­er. This hard­ens the floor’s sur­face and because there is no coat­ing it is immune to peel­ing and chipping.

3. Retains a Beau­ti­ful Shine

Not every indus­tri­al facil­i­ty is open to pub­lic view­ing, but you should still take pride in your work­place regard­less of who sees it. With con­crete pol­ish­ing, the appear­ance of your floors will com­pete with the sheen pro­vid­ed by epoxy coat­ing options, but with­out the coat­ings. Whether you’re try­ing to impress guests and cus­tomers or just bright­en up your facil­i­ty, pol­ish­ing gets the job done.

4. Doesn’t Require Cer­tain Con­di­tions for Application

Epoxy coat­ings look great and work well, too, but they require the right con­di­tions for prop­er appli­ca­tion, which can be a prob­lem depend­ing on your facility’s needs. For instance, if you have ele­vat­ed mois­ture in the slab you may strug­gle to install epoxy coat­ings, requir­ing a mois­ture mit­i­ga­tion sys­tem pri­or to installing epoxy or oth­er types of floor­ing,. Pol­ish­ing your con­crete floors is a great alter­na­tive to achiev­ing high-gloss floors with­out the need for epoxy coat­ings. Indeed, there are few spe­cial con­di­tions required for pol­ished con­crete floor­ing, as long as you have a struc­tural­ly sound slab.

5. Quick Installation

Pol­ished con­crete floors also have a leg up on epoxy coat­ings in that instal­la­tion is quick and there­fore min­i­mizes your facility’s down­time. Epoxy coat­ings for con­crete floors take time to cure, and even after they’ve dried, it’s rec­om­mend­ed to wait a bit before get­ting back to work and tram­pling over them. While pol­ish­ing takes time, too, once the job is done your floors are ready to go right away.

6. Lasts a Long Time

You may take your floors for grant­ed, but they’re one of the most impor­tant aspects of your facil­i­ty. There­fore, when it’s time to con­sid­er con­crete resur­fac­ing and floor­ing options, you want to choose an option with a long lifes­pan. As long as you clean your pol­ished con­crete floors on a reg­u­lar basis and address spills and oth­er con­cerns when they occur, you can go years before need­ing to repol­ish your concrete.

Pol­ished con­crete floors are a great work­space floor­ing option for many facil­i­ties. If you think they might be right for yours, get in touch with the experts at Kaloutas. To learn more about us and all that we do, con­tact us here and give us a call at 9785321414.

Kaloutas is New Eng­land’s pre­mier con­trac­tor for com­mer­cial & indus­tri­al paint­ing, floor­ing, and relat­ed ser­vices. Estab­lished in 1987, Kaloutas has become a trust­ed resource for gen­er­al con­trac­tors, facil­i­ties man­agers, and build­ing own­ers from Con­necti­cut to Maine. Our team prides itself on high qual­i­ty work­man­ship, jobs done on time & bud­get, and tack­ling com­plex projects that oth­er con­trac­tors don’t have the expe­ri­ence or resources to han­dle. Con­tact us today for a paint­ing or floor­ing esti­mate, or give us a call at 9785321414 to learn more.

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