How Wet Concrete Polishing Will Reduce Downtime | Kaloutas

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How Wet Concrete Polishing Will Reduce Downtime, Labor, and Yield a Faster Turnaround at Your Facility

Wet floor polishing work in New England How Wet Concrete Polishing Will Reduce Downtime, Labor, and Yield a Faster Turnaround at Your Facility

As a prop­er­ty own­er look­ing to sell or lease your asset, you want to offer some­thing extra spe­cial to poten­tial buy­ers or ten­ants to get it leased or pur­chased faster. A great way to do this is to ensure the buy­er or ten­ant their return on invest­ment will be worth their time and mon­ey. Wet con­crete pol­ish­ing will offer a dust free and safer envi­ron­ment. Con­ven­tion­al con­crete pol­ish­ing can cause sig­nif­i­cant down­time and can cost you a lot of mon­ey, time, and aggra­va­tion before you’ve even list­ed the prop­er­ty. When you work with the right part­ner, you can enjoy faster turn­around times and effec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion, which results in your prop­er­ty get­ting on the mar­ket faster. 

At Kaloutas, we offer wet con­crete pol­ish­ing that will reduce down­time, labor, yield a faster turn­around, and cut your envi­ron­men­tal impact. Not only is it more effi­cient for you, but this is cer­tain­ly a sell­ing point when rent­ing or sell­ing your space.

Ben­e­fits of Con­crete Floor Polishing

Why Wet Con­crete Floor Pol­ish­ing Is the Supe­ri­or Option

If you are upgrad­ing your com­mer­cial prop­er­ty to ensure a bet­ter return on invest­ment (ROI), the last thing you need is to let your facil­i­ty sit dor­mant as these improve­ments are han­dled. After all, the entire point of upgrades is to make more mon­ey, not less. Wet con­crete pol­ish­ing pro­duces the fin­ished prod­uct 10 times faster than con­ven­tion­al meth­ods, allow­ing you to focus on com­plet­ing all of your oth­er make ready” tasks efficiently.

Wet con­crete pol­ish­ing is also a much safer method than dry pol­ish­ing due to the fact that it doesn’t cause poten­tial ill­ness in the lungs of those who enter your facil­i­ty. This is achieved by sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduc­ing the poten­tial air­borne sil­i­cates caused by tra­di­tion­al pol­ish­ing methods. 

The new­ly pol­ished floors are also safer once the prop­er­ty is occu­pied and busi­ness is run­ning as usu­al. The pol­ished floors will be able to with­stand oil spills, cre­at­ing a safer space for the busi­ness owner’s employ­ees. Your oper­a­tions and mer­chan­dise are also pro­tect­ed because our process cre­ates a dust-free, low main­te­nance floor.

How Kaloutas Saves You Mon­ey and Time

Kaloutas offers wet con­crete pol­ish­ing to ware­hous­es, facil­i­ties, indus­tri­al plants, and more, which we achieve with our new ride-on pow­er trow­els. We are equipped with the machin­ery, expe­ri­enced team mem­bers, and prod­ucts you need to lease your space faster with per­fect­ly pol­ished, safe, and envi­ron­men­tal­ly-friend­ly con­crete floor­ing. Since not all con­trac­tors have the rights to these prod­ucts or pos­ses­sion of high-pro­duc­tion equip­ment, we save you the headache of call­ing sev­er­al con­trac­tors to do the job. 

As an exten­sion of our team, we promise to oper­ate the way you oper­ate. Since our wet con­crete pol­ish­ing method is faster than oth­er meth­ods, this frees up our time to look at oth­er reme­di­a­tions that need to take place in your asset before list­ing it. 

Hir­ing 5 ser­vices in one con­trac­tor for your make ready” plan will save you both time and mon­ey — result­ing in you leas­ing your asset faster. Floor­ing, Paint­ing, Fire­proof­ing, Indus­tri­al Clean­ing, and https://​www​.kaloutas​.com/​c​o​m​m​e​r​c​i​a​l​-​c​a​u​l​k​i​n​g​-​s​e​r​vices — all work­ing and com­mu­ni­cat­ing as one unit. In addi­tion to our mul­ti­ple ser­vice offer­ings, with the Kaloutas Part­ner­ship Pro­gram, you’ll have to man­age few­er calls, few­er walk­throughs, and few­er points of con­tact, result­ing in more prof­it. You will be able to focus on get­ting your asset ready to gen­er­ate revenue. 

Do you Need a Con­crete Pol­ish­ing Contractor?

The Kaloutas Difference

Are you ready to get your Com­mer­cial / Indus­tri­al asset on the mar­ket faster and for a high­er ROI? Let’s talk about how we can save you time and mon­ey on your next project. Con­tact us here, or call us at 9785321414, to learn more about how we can specif­i­cal­ly help you!

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Kaloutas simplifies facility management by offering comprehensive services including industrial flooring, cleaning, coating, fireproofing, and containment. We streamline your operations, ensuring compliance, safety, and aesthetics while reducing complexity in the process. Our Hard Work Made Easy solution eliminates the need for multiple contractors, guaranteeing minimal downtime and expert execution. With over 30 years of experience, we make facility maintenance effortless. Contact us to discover how we can meet your needs and save you time through our consolidated approach.

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