Why Hire a Single Contractor for All of Your Mixed Use Building's Improvements

Mixed-use buildings are complex conglomerations of distinct trades under one roof. With so much going on in such a space, owners and managers must do their best to ensure one process doesn’t negatively affect the other, while design teams must utilize various strategies to separate the building’s different components (i.e., warehouse, commercial, utility, parking, etc.). Occupancy classifications in these disparate sections determine fire and building code requirements (insulation, fire-rating, noise reduction, etc.), so special attention must be given to each section accordingly. Hiring different contractors to tackle maintenance, repairs, and renovations in your mixed-use building can lead to interference, confusion, and frustration as one team gets in the way of another. Conversely, a single all-in-one contractor that knows your facility can provide strategic, efficient services that are compatible with each other.
Let’s further detail why it’s best to hire a single contractor for all of your mixed-use building’s improvements.
Benefits of Using One Contractor
Keep Each Project Self-Contained and Secure
In a large mixed-use building, improvements come in many forms. Regardless of the specifics, because your building is interconnected, one project can spill over into undesired territory if the contractor in charge isn’t well-prepared. Dust and debris from one renovation, for instance, can easily end up on, say, recently applied epoxy flooring and ruin its finish if boundaries aren’t in place. These boundaries are both spatial (i.e., physical containment barriers) and temporal (scheduling one project a week apart from another). A single contractor like Kaloutas not only knows exactly how to implement each improvement but how to do so without affecting any other project. We achieve this with our secure containment protocols, strategic scheduling around what works for our client, and knowing the facility as well as the property manager.
Implement Changes Without Interference or Downtime
The potential cross-talk between projects isn’t the only type of interference that can plague mixed-use buildings — you also don’t want any project to halt or disrupt your regular operations. A large project like commercial fireproofing installation can put a facility on hold if not tackled efficiently and with the building’s unique needs in mind. At Kaloutas, we make it our priority to understand the layout and scheduling of each facility we service, which means we’re able to perform key improvements without getting in the way of workers, operational equipment, and so on.
Work with a Provider that’s Familiar with Your Facility
Just as we get to know the people and procedures inside a given mixed-use building, we also get to know the facility’s structural strengths and weaknesses — something that unfamiliar and/or inexperienced contractors can’t do. Our regular presence and attention to detail allow us to become familiar with a facility’s specific ways of operating, so if epoxy flooring or commercial coatings have been compromised, for instance, we know how to resolve those issues. This saves business owners time and money, reducing larger issues and downtime.
Our familiarity and strong relationships with our clients also often provide us access to restricted areas, reducing the red-tape of clearance provision for new contractors. By getting to know a facility this closely, we’re always adapting to customer needs and doing what’s best for the building’s integrity.
The Bottom Line
So, why hire one contractor like Kaloutas for your mixed-use building’s various improvements? It’s simple: we keep each project contained to prevent unwanted spillover, we implement changes without putting your operations on hold, and we’re able to gain familiarity with your facility so we can do what’s best for your building, staff, and customers. Moreover, one contractor means one walk-through, one onboarding process, and one team entering and exiting your premises, saving you time, money, and endless headaches.
To learn more about us and all that we do, contact us online or give us a call at 978−532−1414 today.