Benefits of Using One Contractor for Multiple Jobs | Kaloutas

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Why Hire a Single Contractor for All of Your Mixed Use Building's Improvements

Kaloutas contractor on a site Why Hire a Single Contractor for All of Your Mixed Use Building's Improvements

Mixed-use build­ings are com­plex con­glom­er­a­tions of dis­tinct trades under one roof. With so much going on in such a space, own­ers and man­agers must do their best to ensure one process doesn’t neg­a­tive­ly affect the oth­er, while design teams must uti­lize var­i­ous strate­gies to sep­a­rate the building’s dif­fer­ent com­po­nents (i.e., ware­house, com­mer­cial, util­i­ty, park­ing, etc.). Occu­pan­cy clas­si­fi­ca­tions in these dis­parate sec­tions deter­mine fire and build­ing code require­ments (insu­la­tion, fire-rat­ing, noise reduc­tion, etc.), so spe­cial atten­tion must be giv­en to each sec­tion accord­ing­ly. Hir­ing dif­fer­ent con­trac­tors to tack­le main­te­nance, repairs, and ren­o­va­tions in your mixed-use build­ing can lead to inter­fer­ence, con­fu­sion, and frus­tra­tion as one team gets in the way of anoth­er. Con­verse­ly, a sin­gle all-in-one con­trac­tor that knows your facil­i­ty can pro­vide strate­gic, effi­cient ser­vices that are com­pat­i­ble with each other. 

Let’s fur­ther detail why it’s best to hire a sin­gle con­trac­tor for all of your mixed-use building’s improvements.

Ben­e­fits of Using One Contractor

Keep Each Project Self-Con­tained and Secure

In a large mixed-use build­ing, improve­ments come in many forms. Regard­less of the specifics, because your build­ing is inter­con­nect­ed, one project can spill over into unde­sired ter­ri­to­ry if the con­trac­tor in charge isn’t well-pre­pared. Dust and debris from one ren­o­va­tion, for instance, can eas­i­ly end up on, say, recent­ly applied epoxy floor­ing and ruin its fin­ish if bound­aries aren’t in place. These bound­aries are both spa­tial (i.e., phys­i­cal con­tain­ment bar­ri­ers) and tem­po­ral (sched­ul­ing one project a week apart from anoth­er). A sin­gle con­trac­tor like Kaloutas not only knows exact­ly how to imple­ment each improve­ment but how to do so with­out affect­ing any oth­er project. We achieve this with our secure con­tain­ment pro­to­cols, strate­gic sched­ul­ing around what works for our client, and know­ing the facil­i­ty as well as the prop­er­ty manager.

Imple­ment Changes With­out Inter­fer­ence or Downtime

The poten­tial cross-talk between projects isn’t the only type of inter­fer­ence that can plague mixed-use build­ings — you also don’t want any project to halt or dis­rupt your reg­u­lar oper­a­tions. A large project like com­mer­cial fire­proof­ing instal­la­tion can put a facil­i­ty on hold if not tack­led effi­cient­ly and with the building’s unique needs in mind. At Kaloutas, we make it our pri­or­i­ty to under­stand the lay­out and sched­ul­ing of each facil­i­ty we ser­vice, which means we’re able to per­form key improve­ments with­out get­ting in the way of work­ers, oper­a­tional equip­ment, and so on. 

Work with a Provider that’s Famil­iar with Your Facility

Just as we get to know the peo­ple and pro­ce­dures inside a giv­en mixed-use build­ing, we also get to know the facility’s struc­tur­al strengths and weak­ness­es — some­thing that unfa­mil­iar and/​or inex­pe­ri­enced con­trac­tors can’t do. Our reg­u­lar pres­ence and atten­tion to detail allow us to become famil­iar with a facility’s spe­cif­ic ways of oper­at­ing, so if epoxy floor­ing or com­mer­cial coat­ings have been com­pro­mised, for instance, we know how to resolve those issues. This saves busi­ness own­ers time and mon­ey, reduc­ing larg­er issues and downtime. 

Our famil­iar­i­ty and strong rela­tion­ships with our clients also often pro­vide us access to restrict­ed areas, reduc­ing the red-tape of clear­ance pro­vi­sion for new con­trac­tors. By get­ting to know a facil­i­ty this close­ly, we’re always adapt­ing to cus­tomer needs and doing what’s best for the building’s integrity.

The Bot­tom Line

So, why hire one con­trac­tor like Kaloutas for your mixed-use building’s var­i­ous improve­ments? It’s sim­ple: we keep each project con­tained to pre­vent unwant­ed spillover, we imple­ment changes with­out putting your oper­a­tions on hold, and we’re able to gain famil­iar­i­ty with your facil­i­ty so we can do what’s best for your build­ing, staff, and cus­tomers. More­over, one con­trac­tor means one walk-through, one onboard­ing process, and one team enter­ing and exit­ing your premis­es, sav­ing you time, mon­ey, and end­less headaches.

To learn more about us and all that we do, con­tact us online or give us a call at 9785321414 today.

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