Why We Are Trusted at Regulated Facilities for Maintenance | Kaloutas

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Why Kaloutas is Trusted at Regulated Facilities to Perform Their Maintenance and Safety Protocols

Kaloutas work on a regulated facility Why Kaloutas is Trusted at Regulated Facilities to Perform Their Maintenance and Safety Protocols

In addi­tion to meet­ing pro­duc­tion dead­lines, indus­tri­al busi­ness­es must com­ply with var­i­ous reg­u­la­tions rel­e­vant to their line of work. As restric­tive as all this red tape can some­times be, it is there for a rea­son — name­ly the pro­tec­tion of all employ­ees, cus­tomers, and guests as well as the envi­ron­ment. Fail­ing to abide by the legal­ly man­dat­ed facil­i­ty main­te­nance and safe­ty pro­to­cols can result in major penal­ties, and may even force busi­ness­es to shut down. For these rea­sons, it is cru­cial to team up with a reli­able, knowl­edge­able, and adapt­able provider that is trust­ed at reg­u­lat­ed facil­i­ties to over­see their main­te­nance and safe­ty protocols.

Why Peo­ple Trust Kaloutas

Kaloutas Offers Mul­ti­ple Trades

Com­pe­tence and trust go hand in hand — if a con­trac­tor lacks the nec­es­sary knowl­edge, expe­ri­ence, and/​or equip­ment to get the job done right, clients will have no choice but to look else­where. At Kaloutas, we estab­lish a foun­da­tion of trust by offer­ing our wide range of ser­vices and exper­tise to each and every client. Whether you require indus­tri­al clean­ing, con­tain­ment, main­te­nance, paint­ing, floor­ing, fire­proof­ing, caulk­ing, or some com­bi­na­tion of these ser­vices, we can pro­vide them as need­ed and in accor­dance with all reg­u­la­to­ry requirements.

Kaloutas Knows the Ins and Outs of Var­i­ous Indus­tries and Regulations

Not only do we know how to per­form var­i­ous trades, we’re also well-versed in the nuances and rel­e­vant reg­u­la­tions of var­i­ous indus­tries. This means that there is no risk of con­fu­sion or legal lia­bil­i­ty when it comes to deter­min­ing the prop­er approach and fre­quen­cy of par­tic­u­lar tasks. For instance, we under­stand the prop­er pro­to­cols for indus­tri­al con­tain­ment when clean­ing, repair­ing, or paint­ing an area, and all of our teams are prop­er­ly trained and cer­ti­fied in OSHA, FDA, and oth­er rel­e­vant pro­to­cols. In the event that we do come across some­thing pre­vi­ous­ly unknown to us, we are quick to adapt and absorb the new infor­ma­tion into our process­es mov­ing for­ward. Our refer­ral pro­gram also allows us to get cus­tomers in touch with oth­er providers to ful­fill their needs.

Kaloutas Works Close­ly With Our Clients

Trust is a two-way street, which is why we make a point to cul­ti­vate strong rela­tion­ships with all of our clients whether we’re sim­ply pro­vid­ing indus­tri­al paint­ing for them or act­ing as an in-house, full-ser­vice main­te­nance spe­cial­ist. In fact, our rela­tion­ships are so strong that our teams have earned the abil­i­ty to man­age work order flow and oth­er facil­i­ty tasks at the facil­i­ties in which we oper­ate. Main­tain­ing this lev­el of trust allows us to work more effi­cient­ly and bet­ter under­stand the unique needs of each facil­i­ty. Kaloutas has become the go-to main­te­nance part­ner for many busi­ness­es, even if we’re sim­ply offer­ing refer­rals, help­ing with onboard­ing, answer­ing ques­tions, etc.

Kaloutas Oper­ates the Way You Operate

Ulti­mate­ly, it has become our cre­do that we oper­ate the way our clients oper­ate. This doesn’t mean we won’t offer spe­cial­ized advice and solu­tions when need­ed — it just means that we respect and oper­ate in accor­dance with the needs, pro­ce­dures, goals, sched­ul­ing, and reg­u­la­tions of each and every client. We want to help our cus­tomers improve their safe­ty pro­to­cols, increase effi­cien­cy, enhance their rep­u­ta­tion, and main­tain com­pli­ance. Time and time again, we have achieved these goals, which is why Kaloutas has become a trust­ed pre­ven­ta­tive main­te­nance part­ner for so many businesses.

To learn more about us and all that we do, con­tact us online or give us a call at 9785321414.

Partner with Kaloutas

Whether you're a facility manager, general contractor, or building owner, Kaloutas is ready to tackle any heavy-duty industrial painting, cleaning, coating, fireproofing, containment, or flooring projects you need to stay operational. Talk with us today about your facility goals and project needs to improve compliance, safety, and aesthetics.

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