Four Ways Antimicrobial Floor Coatings Protect Your People… | Kaloutas

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Four Ways Antimicrobial Floor Coatings Protect Your People and Assets

Four men standing on a floor with an antimi­cro­bial floor coat­ing. Four Ways Antimicrobial Floor Coatings Protect Your People and Assets

Germs and virus­es are unseen threats in your office or man­u­fac­tur­ing facil­i­ty. The spread of microor­gan­isms in a work­ing envi­ron­ment can put every­one (and every­thing) going in and out, includ­ing your prod­ucts and vis­i­tors, at risk. To min­i­mize this risk and pro­tect your peo­ple and assets, con­sid­er installing antimi­cro­bial floor coatings.

What to Know About Antimi­cro­bial Floor Coatings

What Are Antimi­cro­bial Floor Coat­ings?

The term antimi­cro­bial coat­ing” describes what it does: it pre­vents dis­ease-caus­ing microbes from grow­ing and spread­ing. This coat­ing has antimi­cro­bial agents that are grad­u­al­ly released to con­stant­ly kill fun­gi, yeast, algae, and oth­er microor­gan­isms on the floor. The addi­tives are slow­ly released, so they will con­tin­ue to kill microbes for the life of the flooring.

Antimi­cro­bial coat­ings are non-porous and seam­less, which aids in pre­vent­ing unde­sir­able organ­isms from stay­ing in your floor­ing. Microbes gen­er­al­ly need mois­ture to grow, and the non-porous nature of the coat­ing pre­vents any liq­uid from seep­ing into the floor. There­fore, there will be no damp areas where microor­gan­isms can breed and multiply.

Antimi­cro­bial floor­ing sys­tems come in many types, but the most com­mon ones are epoxy, polyurethane, and ure­thane. These antimi­cro­bial coat­ings are ide­al options if your facil­i­ty needs to meet USDA and FDA require­ments. But with mul­ti­ple options, it can be tough to deter­mine which type suits your facil­i­ty best. When unsure, it’s wise to seek an expert’s advice.

Why Is Antimi­cro­bial Coat­ing Important?

As a facil­i­ty man­ag­er, you must ensure the prop­er­ty’s floor is in good shape, clean, and safe for the peo­ple who work in or enter your build­ing. One of the things you might reg­u­lar­ly do is hire some­one to deep clean your floors. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, reg­u­lar floor clean­ing is often insuf­fi­cient, espe­cial­ly in high­ly reg­u­lat­ed food busi­ness­es and sim­i­lar industries.

Microbes and bac­te­ria exist near­ly every­where. It is a guar­an­tee that your floor­ing is also home to these microbes unless you already have an antimi­cro­bial coat­ing installed. There are many poten­tial car­ri­ers of germs, includ­ing your staff, ship­ping part­ners, cus­tomers, and even pests like rodents. 

With­out an antimi­cro­bial coat­ing on the floor, the microbes inside your facil­i­ty can mul­ti­ply. And while peo­ple do not nor­mal­ly touch the floors, they can still get infect­ed by path­o­gen­ic microor­gan­isms because these microbes can move from the floor to oth­er sur­faces where human con­tact happens.

If you haven’t switched to this type of coat­ing yet and remain on the fence about it, the fol­low­ing five ways antimi­cro­bial coat­ings pro­tect your peo­ple and assets may help with your decision-making.

What Are the Ben­e­fits of Antimi­cro­bial Flooring?

Let’s take an in-depth look at how antimi­cro­bial coat­ings pro­tect assets and peo­ple in your building.

1. Pre­vents Bac­te­r­i­al Growth 

As pre­vi­ous­ly men­tioned, harm­ful organ­isms exist every­where, includ­ing your facil­i­ty. Expo­sure to bac­te­ria, virus­es, and oth­er harm­ful microbes can get your employ­ees sick. If microor­gan­isms come in con­tact with your prod­ucts, your cus­tomers are at risk. Germs and bac­te­ria are an even big­ger con­cern in health­care facil­i­ties, where vul­ner­a­ble indi­vid­u­als are present. 

By cre­at­ing seam­less and non-porous sur­faces and releas­ing antibac­te­r­i­al agents that kill harm­ful microor­gan­isms, antimi­cro­bial floor­ing pro­tects your peo­ple from health haz­ards. It stops the prob­lem at its source.

2. Durable and Long-Lasting

One of the prob­lems facil­i­ty man­agers have to deal with is floor dam­age. Floor dam­age can cost busi­ness­es sig­nif­i­cant amounts of mon­ey, not just for repairs but also for pos­si­ble oper­a­tion dis­rup­tions. Dam­aged floors can also become a trip haz­ard in the work­place, which could result in law­suits and cost­ly complaints. 

Day in and day out, con­crete floors are exposed to chem­i­cals, heavy foot traf­fic, and tem­per­a­ture vari­a­tions that can cause fis­sures, cracks, and oth­er kinds of issues. Antimi­cro­bial coat­ings are made to be durable and can with­stand these ele­ments. When installed over a con­crete floor, the coat­ing pre­vents the mate­r­i­al from soak­ing up liq­uids that may dam­age the surface. 

Fur­ther­more, the coat­ing’s bio­sta­t­ic effects remain effec­tive through­out the floor­ing’s lifes­pan, pro­vid­ed you install and main­tain the floor properly. 

3. Com­pli­ance With Reg­u­la­to­ry Standards

Indus­tries demand­ing a high degree of san­i­ta­tion and germ resis­tance are account­able to a tan­gled web of reg­u­la­to­ry agen­cies. If your facil­i­ty is reg­u­lat­ed and audit­ed by the USDA, FDA, and oth­er enti­ties, installing antimi­cro­bial floor­ing will like­ly help you avoid legal risks.

4. Easy to Clean

Keep­ing floors clean is cru­cial, no mat­ter the indus­try. How­ev­er, clean­ing the floor is often chal­leng­ing, par­tic­u­lar­ly in med­ical facil­i­ties and areas with heavy foot traf­fic because of the high risk of pathogen expo­sure. You may also have to use caus­tic chem­i­cals to get rid of all the dirt and bac­te­ria on the floor. 

With an antimi­cro­bial floor, clean­ing becomes sim­ple. Par­tic­u­lates stay on top of the floor­ing, and the coat­ing itself can kill microbes. There­fore, there’s no need to use harsh clean­ing chem­i­cals that can also harm work­ers and any­one else in the build­ing. Usu­al­ly, you can clean the coat­ing with just soap and water. In addi­tion, this coat­ing pre­vents stain­ing, so your floor will look new with no fur­ther effort.

Antimi­cro­bial floor­ing pro­tects your facil­i­ty and peo­ple in many oth­er ways. It’s easy to install, so you don’t have to wor­ry about down­time in your facil­i­ty. The mate­r­i­al also has low to no VOC emis­sion, which is good for the envi­ron­ment. This non-aller­genic coat­ing will not cause any harm to animals.

What Facil­i­ty Needs Antimi­cro­bial Floor Coatings?

Any facil­i­ty where clean­li­ness is cru­cial can use antimi­cro­bial floor­ing. But this type of floor­ing is always a great invest­ment for facil­i­ties that under­go annu­al inspec­tions or where san­i­ta­tion is a pri­or­i­ty. These include:

  • Med­ical Facilities

  • Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal Labs

  • Ani­mal Care/​Veterinary Clinics

  • Ani­mal Research Facilities

  • Food and Bev­er­age Pro­cess­ing Plants

  • Restau­rants

  • Com­mer­cial Kitchens

  • School Cafe­te­rias

Even res­i­den­tial prop­er­ty own­ers who care about the safe­ty of their homes can ben­e­fit from antimi­cro­bial coatings.

Hire Expert Installers to Enjoy All the Perks

Like oth­er types of floor­ing, antimi­cro­bial floors must be installed prop­er­ly to pro­vide you with all their ben­e­fits. Pro­fes­sion­al installers may charge more than inex­pe­ri­enced con­trac­tors, but pros can ensure suc­cess­ful floor instal­la­tion and pre­vent the need for cost­ly resur­fac­ing. Antimi­cro­bial coat­ings may be easy to install, but there are still vari­ables to consider.

Skilled pro­fes­sion­als bring a wealth of knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence to the table, ensur­ing flaw­less appli­ca­tion of antimi­cro­bial coat­ings. By entrust­ing the task to experts, you guar­an­tee the longevi­ty and effec­tive­ness of the coat­ing, safe­guard­ing your envi­ron­ment against harm­ful pathogens and bacteria.

More­over, hir­ing spe­cial­ists grants you access to the lat­est indus­try insights, mate­ri­als, and tech­niques, max­i­miz­ing the pro­tec­tive poten­tial of the coat­ing. It results in a hygien­ic, durable, and aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing floor that not only enhances your space but also con­tributes to the over­all health and safe­ty of your premises.

Call Kaloutas for All Your Floor­ing Needs

Kaloutas offers a wide array of floor­ing solu­tions, includ­ing antimi­cro­bial floor­ing. When it comes to spe­cial­ized floor­ing, a one-size-fits-all solu­tion will not cut it. That’s why the com­pa­ny’s indus­tri­al floor­ing experts must first learn about your spe­cif­ic envi­ron­ment to cre­ate a tai­lored solu­tion. Our team is com­mit­ted to pri­or­i­tiz­ing your health and safe­ty, no mat­ter the project. 

If you want to install antimi­cro­bial floor­ing or learn about the best type of floor­ing for your prop­er­ty, con­tact Kaloutas. Let us take care of all your facil­i­ty’s floor­ing needs with one point of con­tact and one agree­ment. We will install your coat­ing so that the work will not affect your pro­duc­tion schedule.

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