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Projects Can Be Done Year-Round with the Right Contractor. Here Are the Top 5 Tips to Make Your Comm

Four Kaloutas contractors standing together Projects Can Be Done Year-Round with the Right Contractor. Here Are the Top 5 Tips to Make Your Comm

A new year might be an arbi­trary turn of the cal­en­dar page, but it also serves as a bench­mark for eval­u­at­ing our past suc­cess­es and fail­ures so we can con­tin­ue to improve. The ques­tion is; how com­pre­hen­sive were your safe­ty pro­ce­dures last year? And, more impor­tant­ly, what can be done to improve these efforts? There’s no deny­ing that over­haul­ing your safe­ty pro­ce­dures requires a mul­ti-faceted effort — that’s why it’s help­ful to work with a full-ser­vice con­trac­tor that’s always adapt­ing to cus­tomer needs. Most projects can be han­dled year-round with the right provider. Let’s go over five tips to make your com­mer­cial build­ing safer in 2021 and how Kaloutas can help you every step of the way.

How to Make the Most of a Contractor

1. Assess and Adjust Your Safe­ty Protocols

Now is the per­fect time to take stock of your com­mit­ment to safe­ty. A good start might be to cre­ate new and improved safe­ty train­ing pro­grams for your employ­ees or final­ly replace that piece of old equip­ment that might no longer pass inspec­tion. What­ev­er the case may be, the right con­trac­tor can help you devel­op and adhere to these actions by offer­ing their expe­ri­ence and resources. Con­trac­tors, like Kaloutas, who are qual­i­fied to work on mul­ti­ple projects in a giv­en facil­i­ty can offer a unique per­spec­tive with the task at hand as well as make the right rec­om­men­da­tions and take the prop­er action to ben­e­fit the build­ing as a whole. Under­stand­ing how one project can affect oth­er parts of your facil­i­ty is what sets Kaloutas apart from oth­er con­trac­tors and makes our ver­sa­tile cat­a­logue of skills so ben­e­fi­cial to your business. 

2. Inspect Your Facil­i­ty and Equipment

Set­ting goals is a great place to start when seek­ing to make your com­mer­cial build­ing safer. That said, you won’t get very far with­out tak­ing tan­gi­ble steps as well. You’ll want to begin by thor­ough­ly inspect­ing every inch of your facil­i­ty, includ­ing its struc­ture, assets, phys­i­cal safe­ty com­po­nents (i.e. intu­mes­cent coat­ings for fire pro­tec­tion, trip & fall haz­ards, con­trol joints, etc.) to ensure that it’s in prop­er con­di­tion and to note any areas of con­cern. While you can do a cur­so­ry inspec­tion on your own, it’s impor­tant to hire experts in each respec­tive area to per­form a prop­er assess­ment and make the nec­es­sary repairs/​replacements. Ide­al­ly, you’ll work with a sin­gle con­trac­tor who can over­see your entire facil­i­ty inspec­tion. With an under­stand­ing of every facet of your busi­ness, you can rest assured Kaloutas will not only prop­er­ly inspect every applic­a­ble part of your facil­i­ty, but also mit­i­gate and tack­le future issues from occurring. 

3. Enhance Your Facil­i­ty Main­te­nance Efforts

Any prob­lems you encounter after inspect­ing your facil­i­ty were like­ly caused by a lack of prop­er main­te­nance over time. If you wish to pre­vent sim­i­lar issues in the future and ensure the ongo­ing safe­ty of your employ­ees and cus­tomers, com­mit your­self to a more rig­or­ous main­te­nance rou­tine for 2021 and beyond. You might keep cer­tain indus­tri­al clean­ing tasks in-house, but it will be wise to part­ner up with a ded­i­cat­ed main­te­nance and clean­ing pro­fes­sion­al to reg­u­lar­ly care for your facil­i­ty so you can focus on opti­miz­ing your oper­a­tions with peace of mind. Not only does this keep you and your employ­ees work­ing, it saves you mon­ey in the long run by mit­i­gat­ing cost­ly repairs. We work how you work, and our pri­or­i­ty is always to align with your sched­ule and workflow. 

4. Invest in Increased Visibility

Vis­i­bil­i­ty often gets over­looked (no pun intend­ed) in dis­cus­sions of work­place safe­ty. How­ev­er, the abil­i­ty to keep track of your sur­round­ings is key to stay­ing safe on the job. One sim­ple yet effec­tive way to boost your building’s safe­ty rat­ing this year is to bright­en up your work­place and bet­ter define its var­i­ous areas. Resur­fac­ing and prop­er­ly main­tain­ing your indus­tri­al floors is cru­cial in these efforts, along with safe­ty strip­ing, where­in floors are demar­cat­ed to sig­ni­fy foot traf­fic vs. machine traf­fic, orga­nize areas, and more. Sim­ply put, the eas­i­er it is for every­one to see and under­stand their envi­ron­ment, the safer they’ll be. This keeps your employ­ees on the floor and helps your com­pa­ny cul­ture by spread­ing the mes­sage that you care about their health and safety. 

5. Seal Those Joints and Cracks

Last­ly, don’t under­es­ti­mate how much hav­oc can be wrought by the tini­est of breach­es in your com­mer­cial build­ing. Cracks in roofs, walls, floors, and cor­ners can lead to pest infes­ta­tions, water leaks, drafts, and more. Even if these prob­lems are rel­a­tive­ly minor, they can evolve into more seri­ous issues — pest and water dam­age, for instance, can dete­ri­o­rate your prop­er­ty from the inside out. So, if it’s been a while since you last caulked your build­ing, make this a pri­or­i­ty in 2021. Kaloutas uti­lizes the most appro­pri­ate prod­ucts to pro­tect your build­ing from cor­ro­sion, con­den­sa­tion, mold, and more. You won’t find that kind of exclu­siv­i­ty with just any­one. With Kaloutas, you know you’re work­ing with peo­ple who get your bot­tom line, who are qual­i­fied to tack­le an array of jobs in a giv­en facil­i­ty, and are trust­ed by oth­ers to have their company’s name asso­ci­at­ed with ours.

Com­mit Your­self to Safety

By boost­ing your safe­ty efforts with the help of a reli­able ser­vice con­trac­tor, you can save your­self time, mon­ey, and has­sle in 2021 and beyond. At Kaloutas, we make your pri­or­i­ties our own and work accord­ing to your needs so you don’t have to wor­ry about how to oper­ate dur­ing a shut­down — we work how you work. To learn more about us and all that we do, con­tact us online, or give us a call at 9785321414 today.

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Kaloutas simplifies facility management by offering comprehensive services including industrial flooring, cleaning, coating, fireproofing, and containment. We streamline your operations, ensuring compliance, safety, and aesthetics while reducing complexity in the process. Our Hard Work Made Easy solution eliminates the need for multiple contractors, guaranteeing minimal downtime and expert execution. With over 30 years of experience, we make facility maintenance effortless. Contact us to discover how we can meet your needs and save you time through our consolidated approach.

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